- Published on
Ansible Automation
- Authors
- Name
- Jackson Chen
Ansible Automation
Ansible Documentation
Ansible collections
#*********** Instroducing to Ansible
Ansilbe is Python program (Python based)
Modules are worker (3,000 modules)
# Input
command input or playbook (YAML, .yml)
Playbook (yaml file)
-> task1 # every task refer to module, module do the work
-> task2 # every task is a python file
-> task1
-> task2
a task refer to module
input: arguments can be parameters, options, arguments
# inventory (managed hosts)
# we defined managed hosts in inventory, can be .ini or .yml file
static, and dynamic inventory
# dynamic inventory -> dynamiclist.py (python program file)
default connection is ssh, which connects to the managed hosts
# ansbile control node (can be RHEL system, or Mac system)
#********* example command
mkdir dir1
mkdir dir1 <------- error, cannot create directory, file exists
mkdir -p dir1 # it will successfuly run without error "-p"
echo $? # look at the previous return code, if return "0", then successful
rpm -q ansible # verify ansible installation
which ansible # show the installation path
# type ansbile and press enter, it shows ansible related files
ansible ansible-connection ansible-doc <------------ reading and understand ansible, readme file
ansible-inventory ansible-pull
ansible-config ansible-console ansible-galaxy
ansible-playbook ansible-vault
ansible-doc -l # list all the doc modules
ansible user # reading about ansible module about user
Displays information on modules installed in Ansible libraries. It displays a terse listing of plugins and their short descriptions, provides a printout of their DOCUMENTATION strings, and it can create a short “snippet” which can be pasted into a playbook.
Ansible module is a command-line tool, which works just as another command on Linux. While we are creating a playbook and unsure about any module or plugin, then we shall use ansible-doc to read the documentation of related plugin or module. This makes us understand the insights of a plugin or module and related possibilities to use the same.
Ansible-doc help
ansible-doc -h
ansible-doc --help
ansible-doc <module name> # Get information about module
ansible-doc -type <plugin type> # get details of a plugin
Ansible-doc available parameters and options
# Below is the list of available parameters and related available options.
“-v ” or “–version”
To display the version of installed Ansible
“-F” or “list_files”
To show plugin’s name and their related source
“-M” or “—module_path”
To specify module library path,
if multiple, separate then with Default is ‘~/.ansible/plugins/modules:/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules’.
“-j” or “–json”
To display the output in JSON
“-l” or “–list”
To display the list of available
“-s” or “snippet”
For specified plugins display the playbook
“t” or “type”
To choose the plugin type; default is a module;
The available plugins are
Ansible-doc usage example
ansible-doc -t connection -l # get information about connection plugin, and plugin usage
ansible-doc -t connection -s ssh
# get information about snippet
ansible-doc -s reboot # checking the outpour of the Ansible reboot module
# check the output in JSON format
ansible-doc fetch -j
# Check the installed Ansible package configuration on the controller system
ansible-doc --version
# list all the modules available
ansible-doc -l # list
# get all the module with source file location
ansible-doc -F
Ansible operation
1. shell # run shell command, using "shell" module.
It will always run shell command, even it has run before
2. command
3. raw # raw - does not use Python, such as managing switches
# ansbile version
ansbile --version # show ansible version
# If want to create ansible environment variable
export ANSIBLE_CONFIG = /ANSIBLE/ansible.cfg
# ansible-doc
ansible-doc --list | wc -l # find number of ansible moduels
ansible-doc --list # List ansible modules
ansible-doc -t <plugin> --list
# Example: ansible-doc -t lookup --list # similary to "man lookup"
ansible-doc <module-name> # help about the ansible module, such as setup, user
ansible-doc yum
/EXAMPLES # read about yum module, and search "EXAMPLES"
# ansible-config
ansible-config dump # List all ansible configuration
ansible-config list
# ansible commands
ansible <ENTEr> # show ansible command options
# example: ansible -m setup localhost # show ansible FACTS about the localhost
ansible - m <module> -a "<arguments>"
# example: ansible -m user -a "name=testuser" # create "testuser"
ansible -m user -a "name=testuser state=absent" # remove the user
ansible localhost -m copy
-a 'content="Enter system maintenance\n" dest=/etc/motd'
-u devops
ansible --list-host all # list all managed hosts
ansible --list-hosts ungrouped # list all ungrouped hosts
ansible localhost -m command -a 'id' -u <run-as-user>
ansible localhost -m command -a 'id' -u <run-as-user> --become # privilege escalation
# ping managed hosts
ansible all -m ping # will receive "pong" if ping successful
# inventory
ansible-inventory --graph # graph ansible inventory
ansible-inventory --graph -i <path-to-inventory-file>
ansible all -i inventory --list-hosts # list all managed hosts from the inventory
# ansible-play
ansible-play <playbook.yml> --check # dry run / check playbook
# ansible moduel can be Powershell, interactive with Windows
ansible is agentless, only install on ansible control system. No agent required to be install on managed hosts
There are different connection plug-in for different sysetm, network devices
# windows managed hosts -> winrm, Powershell
#********* How to install ansible
sudo yum install ansible # install ansible package and dependences
ansible --version # show ansible version installed
ansible 2.8.0 # shows the installed ansible version
config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg # using the ansible configuration file
# *********** ansible ad-hoc command
# run*********** the -m "module" on localhost
ansible -m setup localhost | grep ansible_python_version
ansible_python_version: 3.6.8
Note: It will grep the line contains "ansible_python_version"
#***************** Deploying Ansisble
file inventory # file <filename>
# content of "inventory" file - static inventory file
[websevers] # grouping the servers together - section
serverb.lab.test.lab # server[b:c].lab.test.lab
[dbservers] # grouping
192.168.10.[21:29] # groups of servers with IP address range
# the group 'boston" has chidren, the children are groups, it is a nested group
ansible --list-hosts all # list all ansible inventory servers
ansible --list-hosts ungrouped # list inventory server not in group
ansible --list-hosts hupervisors # list the group members
ansible --list-hosts boston
type "ansible" and press enter, to show all commands relate to "ansible"
ansible-inventory [options] [host|group]
ansible-inventory --graph # list ansible inventory in graph output
tail /etc/ansible/hosts
# take inventory file and list all the hosts
ansible all -i inventory --list-hosts
^all^ungrouped # run the previous command, and replace "all" with "ungrouped"
ansible ungrouped -i inventory --list-hosts <----------- actual command
^ungrouped^development # run the previous command, and replace"ungrouped" with "development"
ansible development -i inventory --list-hosts
#**************** manage ansible configuration file
Note: ansible can be used by normal user, not just root user
# 1. default ansible.cfg
/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg # default ansible.cfg file location
# 2. non root user ansible.cfg
~/.ansible.cfg # non-root user ansible.cfg will overwrite default ansible.cfg file
# 3. current login user ansible.cfg
# ansible.cfg in the login user will over write the non root user "~/.ansible.cfg"
# 4. ansible variable
# verify the ansible installed version, and show the ansible configuration file location
ansible --version
#--- output of ansible --version
ansible 2.8.0
config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
configured module search path = ['root/.ansible/plugins/modules','/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible
executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
python version = 3.6.8
1. /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg can only be edited by root user
#*** for non root user
ls -la # run the command on the non-root user
# it shows the non root user has its own ansible file, and the non root user has edit permission
# When the user run "ansible --version" it will use the non root user ansible.cfg in the non root user directory
#---------- output of non root user "ansible --version"
ansible 2.8.0
config file = /home/student/ansible.cfg
configured module search path = ['/home/student/.ansible/plugins/modules','/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible
executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
python version = 3.6.8
#*** prefer method
1. Create a directory, such as "ansible_test" to host/house the following two files
cd ansible_test/ # navigate to ansible_test directory
ls -l # list the content of directory in "ansible_test", there are two ansible files
When run "ansible --version", it shows the folowing content
ansible 2.8.0
config file = /home/student/ansible_test/ansible.cfg
configured module search path = ['/home/student/.ansible/plugins/modules','/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible
executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
python version = 3.6.8
ls -l /ANSIBLE/ # list the content of directory ANSIBLE <------ /<diretroy name>/
then, create a variable that points to the above ANSIBLE directory and the ansible configuration file
export ANSIBLE_CONFIG=/ANSIBLE/ansible.cfg
No matter where we are, when we type the command "ansible --version", it will always reference to the variable ANSIBLE_CONFIG
ansible 2.8.0
config file = /ANSIBLE/ansible.cfg
configured module search path = ['/home/student/.ansible/plugins/modules','/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible
executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
python version = 3.6.8
ls -l .ansible.cfg
Note: even there is .ansible.cfg in the current login user directory,
but the ANSIBLE_CONFIG variable will overwrite the current user's .ansible.cfg
grep ^[^#] /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg # grep the line not starts with #
Note: It shows ansible.cfg is an ini file
unset ANSIBLE_CONFIG # remove the global variable ANSIBLE_CONFIG
#********* example of ansible.cfg
inventory = inventory # inventory = ./inventory another location for the inventory file
remote_user = devops # when ansible ssh to the managed host, using "devops" as the remote_user
# ensure the service account "devops" exists in all managed hosts
become = true # using lower case
become_method = sudo
become_user = root
become_ask_pass = false
What it means that under the default section, there is ansible inventory, and it reference to an inventory file
The file is a relative file. If it is an absolute file, then there will be /.../..../inventory
In the same directory of ansible.cfg file, there is a "inventory" file
ansible-inventory --graph # it will use the current user's ansible inventory file
ansible-inventory --graph -i /etc/ansible/hosts # it will use the input file at /etc/ansible/hosts
ansible-config list # command that will list the configuration directive/information <-------- good command
# ansible using "remote_user" specified in ansible.cfg
remote_user = root
# default, should configure to use differnt user/service account,
as root quite often does not have ssh permission
# When run command on the managed host, we need escalation privilege, after remote to the managed host
become_ask_pass=False # we need to install public key on the managed host
# the private key will be in ansible host
sudo !! # "!!' refer to the pervious command
True = true = Yes = yes = 1
# they all mean true, use the same value declaration in ansible config file for consistency
False = false = No = no = 0
# they all mean false
#** To see all the implies value will be used in ansible.cfg
ansible-config dump
# How to use in practice
ssh devops@servera # using ssh key, so it does not prompt for user passsword
# deploy the public key inject to the new servers,
so no password requried when remote manage the servers
ansible myself --list-hosts # ansilbe, list hosts in group call "myself"
# localhost is in implicit group called "myself"
#********* Running ansible ad hoc commands
vim ansible.cfg
ansible [inventoryhost|inventorygroup] -m command [para|argument]
# the name must be existing in inventory file
ansible system1.lab.test.lab -m command -a date # -m module, -a argument
# rc=0 # return zero successful
ansible-doc -l # list all the modules, about 3,000 modules
ansible-doc -l | wc -l # count number of lines, number of modules
ansible-doc -user # look at the user module document, similar to man page
# this is where the python profile/file
id <username> # find out whether the user exist
ansible server1.lab.com -m user -a name=<username> # create a user <username> -a, append/add
id <username> # it will then be able to the user
ansible server1.lab.com -m user -a "name=<username> state=absent" # remove the user
# raw module - for managed host that does not have shell or python progam installed
# it will show the output of list of options/argument/parameters (the same)
# ah hoc command to overwrite the ansible configuration file entries
ansible <enter>
-k --ask-pass ask for connection password
sudo cat /etc/sudoers.d/devops
devops ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL # output of the sudo command
#*** Example of the inventory file
#**** Note - output color
# mud color - change successful
# green - no change required, as change already exists
# red - failed
ansible all - m ping # all - against all the managed hosts in the inventory file
# -m ping ping module, different from "ping"
"ping", "poing" # return result
ansible localhost -m command -a 'id' # run ansible command against localhost,
# -m command, using command module, (-m command) can be obmitted
# when obmit "-u <username>", it will use the current login user as the remote uesr
ansible localhost -a 'id' # works the same as above command
ansible localhost -m command -a 'id' -u devops # -u devlops, using remote user (devops)
ansible localhost -m copy -a 'content="Managed by Ansible\n" dest=/etc/motd' -u devops --become
# --become, elevation privilege
ansible all -m copy -a 'content="Managed by Ansible\n" dest=/etc/motd' -u devops --become
# To verify the changes
ansible all -m command -a 'cat /etc/motd' -u devops
# using ansible to install nmap package
ansible server1.lab.com -m yum -a "name=nmap statue=latest" # -m yum using yum module
# state=latest install the latest version if not the latest, or not installed
rpm -q nmap # verify nmap installation
#********** python is very sensitive to identitation, need space, NOT "tab"
yaml file as ansible playbook file # yaml indentidation is very important
# using yaml syntax check program to verify the syntax
ansible-playbook about.yml --syntax-check
visual studio code # good editor for yaml
boolean # style guide, name element consistent
True = true = Yes = yes = 1
False = false = No = no = 0
#******* ansible playbook syntax
# Task should have name
# Every task in playbook, ansible control node will send a python script to the managed host to be executed
``` # first line in the yaml file, start of the yaml file, optional
- name: This is the first play # - name: There is a space between "-" and "name", then ":" and then space
host: serverq.lab.com # inventory host, must exists in the inventory file
# - name two space for identation, consistency indentation is very important
- name: This is first task
msg: This is task 1 of play 1
# has a blank line between task, for easily troubleshooting
- name: This is second task
msg: This is task 2 of play 1
--- # The end of the yml file
ansible-playbook about.yml --syntax-check
:help modelines
#*** example of ~/.vimrc file
autocmd FileType yaml setlocal ai ts=2 sw=2 et nu cuc
autocmd FileType yaml colo desert
#*** Do a dry run of the playbook, similar to PowerShell
ansible-playbook example.yml -C # capital "C"
# ansible stop process when it encouter the 1st error, any task after error will NOT be executed
#*** How to debug ansible
ansible-playbook example.yml -v
ansible-playbook example.yml -vv
ansible-playbook example.yml -vvv # mostly used for basic troubleshooting
ansible-playbook example.yml -vvvv # up to 4 "v", the up most debug level
#*** example playbook
# There are two plays inside one playbook
- Name: Install and start Apache HTTPD # using two space in between for visability
hosts: web
- name: httpd package is present
yum: # using "yum" module
name: httpd # key - Name, value - httpd
state: present
- name: Creaet firewall rules
service: http
state: enabled
immediate: true
permanent: true
- name: test connectivity to web servers
# test the web page from the localhost of ansible control node, not from the web servers.
hosts: localhost
# This is important to ensure firewall is opened
become: false
- name: Connect to web server
url: http://servera.lab.com
return_content: yes
status_code: 200
ansible-playbook playbook.yml --syntax-check # check the playbook syntax
ansible-playbook playbook.yml # run the playbook
less <filename>
gg navigate to the top of the page
/^<word> Search line starts with word
/^EXAMPLES show/search examples
#***** example of playbook, single line and multiple lines
- name: Lines examples
hosts: server1.lab.com
- name: lots of lines
content: | # "|" one line at a time
This is line 1
This is line 2
dest: /var/temp/lots_of_lines
- name: one long line
content: > # ">" all lines are merged as one line
This is line 1
This is line 1 continue
dest: /var/temp/one_lines
#**************** Managing variables and facts *******************************
Begin must with word, can have "_" # No valid, such as "."
# Reference
Documentation - Ansible -> using variables
#**** Example of variable in ansible
# simple_var.yml
- name: Simple variable example
hosts: dev
var: <---------------- declare variable
packages: <------------ variable declaration
- nmap
- httpd
- php
- mod_php
- mod_ssl
- name: Install software
name: "{{ packages }}"
# "packages" is variable, refer using inside {{1 space <var-name> 1 space}}, include in " "
state: prsent
rpm -q nmap # verify whether nmap has been installed
# Note: variable can be declared in a variable file
variable has precedence:
4. inventory group_vars/all
# weak variable, it will apply to "all" file, in group_vars directory, in inventory file
5. playbook group_vars/all
# one step stronger than "4", apply to "all" in group_vars directroy, in playbook
6. inventory group_vars/*
# one step stronger than "5", apply to any file declared in group_vars directory, in inventory file
12. play vars
# ansisble playbook "var" variable, has precedence value "12", stronger than precedence 1 to 11
21. Include params
22. extra vars (always win precedence)
# *** important: keep it simple, consistent
getent passwd <username> # verify whether <username> exist, get entry
#******* How to use the variable for debug the run book
# in ansible playbook file .yml
- name: Test connectivity to webservers <--- task name
host: localhost <--- apply to localhost
become: false <--- no privilege escalation required
- name: Connect to webserver
url: http://server1.lab.com <-------- test by accessing the url
return_content: yes
status_code: 200
register: output
# using "register" key word, "output" as variable name,
to capture the task result to the variable "output"
- name: Show the content of the captured output
# create a task to show the content of the captured output
debug: <-------- using "debug" module
var: output <----- using "var" variable, and the actual variable used is "output"
<------ var: output.<selected_element>, such as var: output.content
# alternatively, we can use
msg: "{{ output }}" <---- result in more typting, rather than var: output
# another way to declare the variable in the playbook
web_pkg: httpd
firewall_pkg: firewalld
web_service: httpd
firewall_service: firewalld
python_pkg: python3-PyMySQL
rule: http
- name: Required packages are installed and up to date
- "{{ web_pkg }}" <--------- using "-"
- "{{ firewall_pkg }}"
- "{{ python_pkg }}"
state: latest
- name: The {{ firewall_service }} service is started and enabled
name: "{{ firewall_service }}"
enabled: true
state: started
#********* Managing secrets
# login to the system using ssh
ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=password fred@servera
# it will then prompt for the password, rather than using ssh key
#-------- play book to create user with visiable password
- name: Create user
hosts: servera.lab.com
usrename: user1
password: testing
- name: Create users
name: "{{ username }}"
password: "{{ passwrod | password_has('sha512') }}"
state: present
# To use secret, we create a password file
ansible-vault # encrypt the file
ansible-vault encrypt <my_variable_file_name>
# encrypt the variable file, and prompt for the encrypted password
# To run the playbook with the encrypted password file
ansible-playbook --vault-id @prompt playbook.yml
# run ansible playbook and prompt for encrypted password
# how to change the encrypted password
ansible-vault rekey <path/encrypted-file-name>
Vault password: <enter the existing encrypted password>
New Vault password: <enter the new encrypt password>
Confirm New Vault password: <enter the new encrypt password>
Rekey successful
# ansible-vault edit
ansible-vault edit <playbook.yml> # edit encrypted playbook file
ansible-vault edit test.yml
Vault password: <enter the vault password> # it will prompt for the encrypted password
ansible-vault view test.yml # view the encrypted playbook file
Vault password: <enter the vault password> # it will prompt for the encrypted password
username: user1
pwhash: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx # password hash
# ********** create user using encrypted variable file
- name: Create user account for the systems
hosts: devservers
become: true
remote_user: devops
vars_files: <------------- variable files
- <userinfo>.yml
- name: Create user from userinfo.yml
name: "{{ username }}"
passwrod: "{{ pwhash }}"
# Methods 1 (without using ansible tower)
vi /<path>/vault-pass # create a vault password file
chomd 0600 vault-pass # secure it only the owner can see it
ansible-playbook create-user.yml --vault-password-file=vault-pass
# run playbook without manually type encrypted password
#*********** managing facts
# facts are varible in the managed hosts
ansible server1.lab.com -m setup | less
# the setup module connects to server1, and find out the variables (facts)
# there are different ansible facts/variables
# and more variables, we can use these facts to configure the systems components when required
#**** How to refer to the facts
- name: Display some basic facts
hosts: server1.lab.com
- name: Show some properties of {{ inventory_hostname }}
msg: >
My FQDN is {{ ansible_facts['fqdn'] }} <----- ansible_facts['<property_name>/key']
and my defalt IP address is {{ ansible_facts['default_ipv4']['address'] }}
# You could create your customs facts
cat /etc/ansible/facts.d/dev.fact # need to be in facts.d directory, and with .fact file extension
environment: dev
ssh_port: 22
root_allowed: yes
groups_allowd: wheel
passwords_allowed: yes
# There are some default variable are set by default, we do not need to declare them
hostvars, groups, group_names, inventory_hostname
hostvars let you access variables for another host,
including facts taht have been gathered about that host.
you can access host variables at any point in a playbook.
{{ hostvars['test.lab.com']['ansible_facts']['distribution'] }}
groups is a list of all groups (and hosts) in the inventory.
{% for host in groups['app_servers'] %}
{% endfor %}
- name: Install remote facts
hosts: webserver
remote_dir: /etc/ansible/facts.d
facts_file: custom.fact
- name: Create the remote directory
state: directory
recurse: yes
path: "{{ remote_dir }}"
- name: Install the new facts
src: "{{ facts_files }}"
dest: "{{ remote_dir }}"
#******************* chaper 4 - tasks control
# loops and control
loops using lookup plugin
ansible-doc -t lookup -l
# look at "lookup" in ansible-doc, and "-l" list them, "-t" is important to refer type of plug in
ansible-doc -t lookup items # lookup items in lookup
#** Example
- name: Create users
hosts: server1.lab.com
- user1
- user2
- name: Create users
name: "{{ item }}" <--- item is the item in myusers
state: present
loop: "{{ myusers }}" <------- loop at the same identation level as "user"
#**** Example using loop, and with_dict (lookup dict - ansibile-doc -t lookup dict )
- name: Create users in the appropriate groups
hosts: all
- name: Create groups
name: "{{ item }}"
- group1
- group2
- name: Create users in their appropriate groups
name: "{{ item.name }}"
groups: "{{ item.groups }}"
with_dict: <-------------- "with" begin loop
- { name: 'user1', groups: 'group1' }
- { name: 'user2', groups: 'group2' }
# ***** Example of loop using with_nested, and item[x]
-name: Install required packages
# using yum to install packages, and yum accept and unstand multiple items as arguments,
such yum install nmap http
- "{{ '@mariadb' }}"
- "{{ '@mariadb-client' }}"
- name: Include the passwords from ansible_vault
file: passwords.yml
- name: Give users access to their databases
name: "{{ item[0] }}" <------- item[0] refer to 1st entry in item
priv: "{{ item[1] }}" <----- item[1] refer to 2nd entry in item
append_privs: yes
password: "{{ db_pass }}" <------- it will use the password variable from passwords.yml
- "{{ users }}" <--- item[0] is users variable, it will loop through the users
- "{{ category_db }}" <--- item[1] is category_db variable, it will loop through the category_db
#**** Example
source: /Users/user1/dir1
zipfile: /users/user1/dir1.tar.gz
zipformat: zip
- name: Create a tar archive of the source directory
format: "{{ zipformat }}" <--------- refer to variable "zipformat"
path: "{{ source }}"
dest: "{{ zipfile }}"
- name: Check to see if the archive exists
# this is the task level, name of the task to run
path: "{{ zipfile }}" <------- use "stat" module to check whether the path exist for the zip file
register: archive <--------- store the task information using "register" in variable "archive"
Important: "register" only exist at "task" level
- name: Show the archive dictionary
var: archive
# show the "archive" variable/dictionary content that capture the archive exists status
# could use "msg", but then need to use "{{ }}"
- name: Make sure that the arhive exist before proceeding
assert: <-------- using "assert" module, ensure
that: "'zip' in archive.stat.mimetype"
# check mimetype "zip" exist in archive stat (statistics)
#************ Example
- name: Test variable is defined
hosts: all
my_service: httpd
- name: "{{ my_service }} package is defined"
name: "{{ my_service }}"
when: my_service is defined
# the task to install my_service only when my_service is defined
ansible_machines == "x86_64"
# == equal, and using " " to enclose "x86_64" for the string value, not the integer
min_memory is defined # variable exists
min_memory is not defined # variable does not exist
# Boolena variable is true, The values of 1, true, or yes, Yes, evaluate to true
not memroy_available
# Boolean variable is false, The value of 0, False, or no, evalute to false
ansible_distribution in supported_distros
# First variable's value is present as a value in second variable's list
#*** Example
- name: Demonstrate the "in" keyword
hosts: all
gather_facts: yes <----------- run the gather facts to collect facts from the managed hosts
- Redhat < uisng list "-"
- Fedora
- name: Install httpd using yum, where supported
name: httpd
state: present
when: ansible_distribution in supported_distros
# look up "distribution" value is in supported_distros
when: ansible_distribution_version == "7.5" and ansible_kernel >= "3.10" # "and", "or"
when: > <------------ using ">" for readiability, combine into one line
( ansible_distribution == "Redhat" and
ansible_distribution_major_version == "7" )
( ansible_distribution == "Fedora" and
ansible_distribution_major_version == "28" )
#*** Example
- name: Install mariadb-server if enough space on root
name: mariadb-server
state: latest
loop: "{{ ansible_mounts }}"
# ansible_mounts come from facts that collects from the managed hosts
when: item.mount == "/" and item.size_available > 300000000
command: /user/bin/systemctl is-active postfix
ignore_errors: yes
# important: ansible will stop the playbook when encounter the error
register: result <------ capture the result
- name: Restart Apache httpd based on Postfix status
name: httpd
state: restarted
when: result.rc = 0
# only when exit code of systemctl command is "0", successful
ansible <inventory_group_name> -m command -a 'cat /etc/redhat-release' -u devops --become
#************* Implementing handlers
#*** handlers - "notifiy" is the the handlers
#** Example
- name: Setup the support infrastructure to manage system
hosts: all
force_handlers: true
# by adding "force_handlers to true", it will run the handler event
- name: Create the uesr support as a member of the group wheel
groups: wheel
name: support
- name: Install the sudo configuration which allows passwordless execution of commands as root
src: support.sudo
dest: /etc/sudoers.d/support
- name: Install the ssh key
manage_dir: yes
user: support
key: "{{ lookup('file', 'id_rsa.pub') }}"
- name: Limit ssh usage to members of group wheel
lineinfile: <---------- call lineinfile module
state: present
dest: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
line: AllowGroups wheel
# check if "AllowGroups wheel" exist,
# if yes, then restart ssh daemon
notifiy: Restart the ssh daemon
# notify same identation as task "name",
# it calls another task namely "Restart the ssh daemon"
- name: Disallow password authentication
state: present
dest: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
line: PasswordAuthentication no
notify: Restart the ssh daemon
# handlers are at the end of the playbook,
# if there is any error before handler, the handlers task will NOT run
Note: We can force the handler task to run use "force run...."
- name: Restart the ssh daemon
name: sshd
state: restarted
Note: handlers will not be called or run, if there is no change.
handler task will run after all the tasks have successfully run.
The handler does not immediately execute the task,
it will run/call the task after all tasks have run.
#************ handling task failure
ignore_errors: yes
# use "ignore_errors" keyword in a task, "yes" is boolean, can be "true, yes, y, Y"
# force execution after task failure
# at play level
# Normally when a task failes and the play aborts on that host,
any handlers that had been notified by earlier tasks in the play will NOT run.
force_handlers: yes <-------- force execution of handlers after task failure
# The notified handlers that are called will run even if the play aborted becaused a later task failed.
<----- it is at play level
# failed_when
You can run a script/shell command that outputs, and if error message occur in the output
- name: Run user creation script
shell: /usr/local/bin/create_users.sh
register: command_result <------------ register the shell ouput to "command_result" dictionary
failed_when: "'Password missing' in command_result.stdout"
<----------- 'Password missing' string in the stdout
# command_result.stdout
# in "command_result" dictionary at the key "stdout"
# Note: How to find out the .stdout, and other entries,
using "debug" module, and call debug task to inspect all the output in the debug task
We coud write the ansible playbook with the following code to do the same as above
- name: Run user creation script
shell: /usr/local/bin/create_users.sh
register: command_result
ignore_errors: yes <------------- continue to run if there is error
- name: Report script failure
# call ansibile "fail" module,
# "ansible-doc fail" to find out more about "fail" module
msg: "The password is missing in the output"
# Use the "fail" module to provide a clear failure message for the task.
when: "'Password missing' in command_result.stdout"
# This approach enables/allows you to run intermediate tasks to complete or roll back changes
It normally would always report "changed" when shell command runs. We can suppress that change
"change_when: false"
it will only reports ok or failed
- name: get kerberos credentials as "admin"
shell: echo "{{ krb_admin_pass }}" | kinit -f admin
change_when: false
The following example uses the "shell" module to report "changed" based on the output of the module that is collected by a registered variable.
- name: Upgrade database
cmd: /usr/local/bin/upgrade-database
register: command_result
change_when: "'Sucess' in command_reult.stdout"
# it will only report the change when "success"
- restart_database
- name: restart_database
name: mariadb
state: restarted
#*** "block"
block are clauses that logically group tasks, and can be used to control how tasks are executed.
The same condition can be applied to all tasks within the block.
So, there is no need to repeat the same condtion for every tasks in the block.
- name: Block example
hosts: all
-name: Installing and configuring Yum verssionlock plugin
- name: package needed by yum
name: yum-plugin-versionlock
state: present
- name: lock verson of tzdata
dest: /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/versionlock.list
line: tzdata-2016j-1
state: present
when: ansible_distribution == Redhat
# both tasks in block will run when distribution is Redhat
# "when" is in same indentation as "block"
#**** rescure and always
When the task(s) in the block fail, tasks defined in the "rescure" and "always" clauses are executed
- name: Upgrade DB
block: <----------- block of task(s)
- name: Upgrade the database
cmd: /usr/local/lib/upgrade-database
- name: Revert the database upgrade
cmd: /usr/local/lib/revert-database
- name: always restart the database
name: mariadb
state: restarted
Note: The "when" condition on a "block" clause also applies to its "rescure" and "always" clauses if present.
#************ Example
min_ram_mb: 256
web_service: httpd
web_package: httpd
ssl_package: mod_ssl
fw_service: firewalld
fw_package: firewalld
var_files: vars.yml
# failed fast message
- name: Show failed system requirement message
msg: "The {{ inventory_hostname }} did not meet minimum requirements."
when: >
ansible_memtotal_mb < min_ram_mb or
ansible_distribution != "Redhat"
# Block of config tasks
- name: setting up the SSL cert directory and config files
- name: Create SSL cert directory
path: "{{ ssL_cert_dir }}"
state: directory <-------------- state: diretory "rather than present !!"
- name: Copy Config Files
src: "{{ item.src }}"
dest: "{{ item.dest }}"
loop: "{{ web_config_files }}"
notify: restart web service
- name: configuration error message
msg: >
One or more of the configuration changes failed, but
the web service is still active.
# configure the firewall
- name: ensure web server ports are open
service: "{{ item }}"
immediate: true
permanent: true
state: enabled
- http
- https
# Add handlers
- name: restart web service
name: "{{ web_service }}"
state: restarted
# testings
curl -k -vvv https://server1.lab.com # "-k" accept self signed ssl certificate
#**************** Deploy files to managed hosts
# commonly used file modules
blockinfiles # insert, update, or remove a block of multiline text surrounded by customizable marker lines
copy # copy a file from the local or remote machine to a location on a managed host, it can set file attributes, including SELinux context
fetch # works like copy module, but in reverse order. Fetch files from remote managed hosts to ansible control node, and storing them in a file tree, organized by host name
file # set attributes, such as permissions, ownership, SELinux context, symlinks, hard links, and directories
# Verify file present or absent
lineinfile # ensure a particular line is in a file, or replace an existing line using a back-reference regular expression.
# This module is primary useful when you want to change a single line in a file
# verify a line is present or absent
stat # Retrieve status information for a file, similar to linux "stat" command
synchronize # Powerful module, a wrapper around the "rsync" command to make common tasks quick and easy.
# not provide the full power of rsync command
# still can call "rsync" command directly via the "run" command module
# Example to create new file
- name: Touch a file and set permission
file: <---------- file module
path: /path/to/file
owner: user1
group: group1
mode: 0640
state: touch <---- touch command
#*** SELinux command
mkdir samba
chcon -t samba_share_t samba/ <------ this SELinux command will survive reboot, but wont survive restorecon
ls -ldZ samba/
# ansible SELinux modules
ansible-doc -l # /selinux <--- search SELinux
ansible-doc sefcontext # show sefcontext
sefcontext # manage SELinux file context mapping definitions, similar to the "semanage fcontext" command
# this is ansible selinux module to use
# copying and editing files on managed hosts - copy
- name: copy a file to managed hosts
src: file <------ file on controller node
dest: /path/to/file <-------- copy to managed hosts
Note: By default, this module assuems that "force: yes" is set, it overwrite the remote file if it exists,
but contains different contents from the file being copied
If "force: no" is set, it only copies the file to the managed host if it does not already exist.
# fetch the rsa public key from managed host to ansbile controller node
src: "/home/{{ user }}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
dest: "files/keys/{{ user }}.pub
ansible-doc synchronize # show synchronize in ansible-doc "documentation"
#********* Deploy custom files with jinja2 template
# jinja2 language
# file name: x.j2 <--------------- reading more !!!!
# Example
- name: Render the configuration from a j2 template
src: vhost.template.j2 # <template-name>.j2
# template in ansible controller node
dest: /etc/httpd/conf.d/{{ ansible_hostname }}.conf
owner: apache
group: root
mode: 000644 <------ SElinux
- name: Install sample content
content: "This is {{ ansible_fqdn }}\n"
dest: /vhost/{{ ansible_fqdn }}/html/index.html
settype: httpd_sys_content_t <------- SElinux
#*** Jinja2 language is powerful
# loops - uses "for" statement
{% for user in users %} # "users" already defined in the code or as variable
{{ user }} <------ display the user name
{% endfor %}
#**** syntax
{% statement %}
body of for loop
{% endfor %}
# Example
{% for myuser in users if not myuser == "root" %} <---- "users" is variable
User number {{ loop.index }} - {{ myuser }} <------- output: User numbe 1 - user1
{% endfor %}
#*** Exmaple - templates/hosts.j2 template
It constructs the file from all hosts in the group "all", it iterates over each host in the group, and
get three facts for the /etc/hosts file
{% for host in groups['all'] %}
{{ hostvars['host']['ansible_facts']['default_ipv4']['address'] }}
{{ hostvars['host']['ansible_facts']['fqdn'] }}
{{ hostvars['host']['ansible_facts']['hostname'] }}
{% endfor %}
#*** Conditional - if statement
{% if finished %}
{{ result }}
{% endif %}
# **** Jinja2 provides filter which change the output format for template expressions,
# for example to JSON, or to YAML
{{ output | to_json }}
{{ output | to_yaml }}
# output in human readable format, using to_nice_json or to_nice_yaml filters
{{ output | to_nice_json }}
{{ output | to_nice_yaml }}
#**** How to customise ansible.cfg file
inventory = inventory <--------- defy inventory file
ansible_managed = Ansible managed: modified on %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S # defy your message
# How to find out the ansible collected facts
ansible <sever name> -m setup <--------- it will show all the facts
ansible <sever name> -m setup | grep -E 'processor|memtotal'
# output "processor or memtotal" lines
# How to display the message or output
- name: Check file exists
path: /etc/motd
register: motd
- name: Display stat results
var: motd
# How to create symbolic link
- name: Copy custom /etc/issue file
src: files/issue
dest: /etc/issue
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
- name: Ensure /etc/issue.net is a symlink to /etc/issue
src: /etc/issue
dest: /etc/issue.net
state: link
owner: root
group: root
force: yes
#********************* Managing complex plays and playbooks / manage large projects
# How to list all the hosts in the inventory
ansible all --list-hosts
ansible '*' --list-hosts # '*' need to be in ' ' (single quote, encapsulation in ' ')
ansible '*.test.lab' --list-hosts
ansible 'dev,&webservers' --list-hosts
# list hosts in [dev] and [webservers] groups, must be in two groups
ansible 'dev,!webservers' --list-hosts
# list host that is part of [dev], but not part of [webservers] group
# How to customize playbook hosts
- name: This is an exmple playbook
- server1.lab.com
- test <----- [test] group servers
- dev,&boston <----- servers in both [dev] and [boston] group
- prod,!webservers <------- server in [prod], but not in [webservers] group
# How to find out if a host in the inventory file
ansible <host-name or IP-address> -i <inventory-file-name> --list-hosts
ansible all -i <inventory-file> --list-hosts # list all the hosts in the inventory file
# list all the host in test.lab, but not in lab.test.lab in the inventory file
ansible '*.test.lab, !*.lab.test.lab' -i inventory1 --list-hosts
# inventory file, such as "inventory1"
ansible '172.25.*' -i inventory1 --list-hosts
# list all hosts start with 's', or groups start with 's' but list the members
ansible 's*' -i inventory1 --list-hosts
#************* Including and importing files - Better to use "import_"
tasks in different yml files, such as REHL 7 and RHEL 8 in different yml files
ansible-doc -l
/import # search for import module
there are also include_roles, include_tasks
# what are the difference betweeen import and include
- name: include tasks from another file
include_tasks: rhel8tasks.yml <------ include_tasks example
The rhel8tasks.yml is not a playbook, it include tasks.
1. playbook begins with "hosts" that will specify which hosts will be managed hosts for the tasks to be run at
2. The tasks yml file entries will NOT be carried out by "syntax-check", but
the import_tasks entries will BE carried by "syntax-check"
# Therefore, it is better to use "import-tasks"
3. when run "ansible-playbook <filename>.yml --list-tasks",
it will also list the tasks in the "import_tasks" file
#************* analysis
In the "inventory" file, it has entry "inventory = inventory" to specify the inventory directory
"ls inventory" shows there is "inventory.py" python file, we need to make it executable
chmod 755 inventory/inventory.py
# To show the list of hosts in the inventory.py in json format
inventory/inventory.py --list
ansible server*.lab.com --list-hosts <---- list all the hosts
Then modify "playbook.yml" for the "hosts" entry to (head -3 playbook.yml"
- name: Install and configure web service
hosts: server*.lab.com
# The original entries are
- servera.lab.com
- serverb.lab.com
- serverc.lab.com
#********* Simplying playbooks with roles
using playbooks roles to re-use codes
Roles are directory, skills learn and improve with time
tree user.example # list the tree view of the directory
/vars/main.yml # internal variables
/defaults/main.yml # another location for the variables, default values for the variables
# allow user to change the values
# how to use playbook roles
``` # this is a playbook
- hosts: remote.example.lab
- role1 # using the roles
- role2
# we can use playbook handlers, such as pre_tasks, roles, post_tasks
- name: Play to illustrate order of execution
hosts: remote.example.lab
- debug:
msg: 'pre-task'
notify: my handler
- role1
- debug:
msg: 'first task'
notify: my handler
- debug:
# RHEL system roles
yum install rhel-system-roles
#***** reusing content with system roles
ansible-galaxy list
# check example
ansible-doc timezone | grep -A 4 "EXAMPLES"
ansible database_servers -m shell -a date # run ansible for database_servers group
ansible-config dump | grep -i roles # verify where the roles are created
ansible-galaxy # this is not rhel shipped roles, they are other people created
# it can be used to create role directories
ansible-galaxy init # to start/create your role, include the directories and files
#******* verify check variable precedence
There are 22 precedence, the bigger the number the stronger the precedence
https://galaxy.ansible.com # community roles, not rhel official support roles
namespace . collection_name # standar/recommended name
redhat . satellite
https://console.redhat.com # ---> Collection # verify Collections available
ansible-config dump | grep -i collections
ansible-galaxy collection install --help | tail -5
ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirement.yml # -r requirement file
ansible-galaxy install -r roles/requirements.yml -p roles # -p path
#************* troubleshooting ansible
Using good editor, such as visual studio code, and plug-in
By default, ansible does not store logs, edit ansible.cfg and add log_path
# ansible-config dump | grep -i log # see the log configuration
Then edit ansible.cfg and add the line for log_path
log_path=~/Documents/ansible.log # add this line, use log rotate to rotate this log file
# Note: need to create the file first
touch /logs/ansible.log
# debug -v, -vv, -vvv, -vvvv 4 level debug
or, create a variable and keep the remote file in the remote host for debug
export ANSIBLE_KEEP_REMOTES_FILES=1 # Use "export" to create the variable
then, when run the ansible playbook with "-v", it will create a sub-directory under
cd .ansible/tmp
for every task that it runs
cat AnsiballZ_setup.py
# verify this python script for further information about ansbile python script runs
# using "debug"
# verify tasks of playbook
ansible-playbook <filename>.yml --list-tasks # list playbook tasks
# run playbook step by step
ansible-playbook <filename>.yml --step
# run playbook at particular task
ansible-playbook <filename>.yml --start-at-task="<task name>"
last, use ~/.vimrc # for ansible identation
# cat ~/.vimrc
autocmd FileType yaml setlocal ai ts=2 sw=2 et nu cuc
autocmd Filetype yaml colo desert
ansible-playbook --check playbook.yml
# just smoke check, no running/change
using " uri " module to test URL website
"assert" module, checking certain condition is satisfied
using "ping" module, to test the managed hosts,
and see whether the managed host can process the ping.py, and response with "pong"
# run the ad hoc command
ansible servera.lab.com -u devops -b -a "head /etc/posix/main.cf"
-u devops # run as user "devops"
-b # privilege mode
-a # argument, or command to run
#********************* Automate Linux administration tasks
# yum group install "Development Tools"
- name: Install Development Tools
name: '@Development Tools' # using "@" for group
state: present
# yum module install perl:5.26/minimal
- name: Install perl AppStream module
name: '@perl:5.26/minimal'
state: present
# ansible-doc yum
# for additional parameters and playbook examples
# gathering facts about installed packages
The package_facts Ansible module collects the installed package details on the managed hosts,
set the ansible_facts.packages variable with the package details
- name: Display installed packages
hosts: servera.lab.com
- name: Gather info on installed packages
manager: auto
- name: List installed packages
var: ansible_facts.packages
- name: Display NetworkManager version
msg: "version {{ ansible_facts.packages['NetworkManager'][0].version }}"
when: "'NetworkManager' in ansible_facts.packages"
waitfor module -
command module
shell module
# verify when the system was last reboot
ansible webservers -u devops -b -a "who -b" # against "webservers", who -b
# who last reboot the system
Ansible - idempotency
More with examples
# *************** Introduction ********************
Ansible controller - Install on Linux (called control node)
# Only need to install on Ansible Controller (control node)
- requires Python package installed
Ansible - agentless
Ansible can manage network switches, Windows, Linux
Ansible playbook
- yaml (in YAML format) .yml
play 1
-task1 (every task is a py script)
play 2
Every task refer to a module
- parameters (can be name one of the following)
- options
- arguments
- reference a system, or a group of systems
- static inventory, such as input file contains a list of systems
- dynamic inventory (python program) - dyninv.py (python program will find the systems)
connection plugin
(ssh is the connection plugin - Linux, container plugin, microsoft plugin - .Net, winrm or PowerShell, Hypervisor, etc)
inventory host(s) - includes in the inventory file
ehco $? (verify the return code, "0" is successful)
# register the machine, then subscribe to enable repo
Redhat CDN -
rpm -q ansible # vrify whether ansible is installed
which ansible
anisble ENTER (will list the ansible commands)
sudo yum install ansible (Install Ansible)
ansible --version # verify the ansible version installed
It will also show the config file (config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg)
ansible -m setup localhost | grep ansible_python_version
run ansible using module "setup" on localhost # ansible -m setup
# *************** Deploying Ansible ********************
Deploying Ansible
- Configure Ansible to manage hosts and run ad hoc Ansible commands
- Describe Ansible inventory concepts and manage a static invenory file
- Describe where Ansible configure files are located, how Ansible select them,
and edit them to apply changes to default settings
- Run a single Ansible automation task using an ad hoc command and explain some use cases for ad hoc commands
"inventory" text file - list the servers, contains "sections" describe inventory groups
serverb.test.lab <----- or server[b:d].test.lab
172.25.250.[11:19] <----- range [x:y]
# list all inventory hosts
ansible --list-hosts all # it will list all the inventory hosts
ansible --list-hosts ungrouped # list the hosts which are ungrouped, not in groups
ansible --list-hosts <group-name> # Example, ansible --list-hosts hypervisors
How to nested groups in inventory, using ":children"
ansible <Tab> # list ansible related commands
ansible-inventory #
ansible-inventory --graph # show the inventory in graph format, visual format, "@" as group
# Global default ansible inventory file (Not the one that you normally will use)
tail /etc/ansible/hosts # this is the global ansible hosts file
mkdir deploy-inventory # create an directory "deploy-inventory"
cd deploy-inventory
vim inventory # create "inventory" file
ansible all -i inventory --list-hosts
# run ansible against all the hosts in the inventory file
# we are not using the default global inventory file /etc/ansible/hosts
# The operations that are performing is "list-hosts"
^all^ungrouped # replace the previous command "all" with "ungrouped"
# Order of ansible configuration
1. /etc/ansible/answer.cfg # 1st, weakness
2. ~/.ansible.cfg # 2nd - current directory
3. ./ansible.cfg # it will override previous two ansible configuration file
4. ANSIBLE_CONFIG= # create a variable, it will be use globally
Prefer it is to create a directory to host the ansible configuration file and the inventory in that directory
mkdir ANSIBLE # create a directory namely "ANSIBLE"
ls -l /ANSIBLE/
export ANSIBLE_CONFIG=/ANSIBLE/ansible.cfg # this variable will override any other ansible config file
ls -l .ansible.cfg # verify the ansible file
Note: /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg it has quite some comments and configuration for reference
grep ^[^#] /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg # list any line that does not start with "#" comment line
# to remove the global variable ANSIBLE_CONFIG
Then, run
ansible --version # it will now use other ansible config file
# content of /ANSIBLE/ansible.cfg
inventory = inventory
# use the inventory file in the same directory as /ANSIBLE/ansible.cfg
When specify the ansible inventory file
ansible-inventory --graph -i /etc/ansible/hosts
ansible-config list # list the ansbile configuration file
grep remote_user /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
remote_user = root
# default remote user is "root", bad practice, should use other user
# How to configure ansible.cfg to use specified remote user
inventory = inventory
remote_user = devops # use "devops" as remote user
become = true
become_method = sudo
become_user = root
become_ask_pass = false
# !! repeat the previous command
sudo !! # run sudo with previous command, "tail /etc/shadow" as the previous command
# Learning, how to declare True or False, keep consistent, "true", and "false"
True = true = Yes = yes = 1
False = false = No = no = 0
ansible-config list
ansible-config dump # dump the entire configuration
ansible localhost --list-hosts
# run ansible on the localhost, and run command "list-hosts"
# ************** Running Commands ********************
Running ad hoc commands
ansible <inventory-host or inventory-group> -m <module-name> -a <argument/options/paramters>
1. inventory-host or inventory-group must exist in the inventory file
2. module-name need to be valid ansible module name
3. argument/options/parameters need to be valid for the required module
ansible servera.test.lab -m command -a date
# the default module is "command" if no module is specified
# output
servera.test.lab | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
Mon Jun 3 15:00:43 EDT 2019 # rc=0 return code 0 means successful
# list all ansible modules
ansible-doc # about 3,000 modules
ansible-doc <module-name>
ansible-doc user # show ansible module "user", similar to "man"
ansible-doc debug # show anisble module "debug"
id testuser # verify whether testuser exist
ansible servera.test.lab -m user -a name=testuser # create user on servera
ansible servera.test.lab -m user -a "name=testuser state=absent" # remove the testuser
1. If output is green, means the command run successful, but not change is make
2. If output is muddy color, command run successful, and change has been make
3. If output is "red", some error happens
ansible-doc -l | wc -l # list number of ansible modules
# verify sudoers
sudo cat /etc/sudoers.d/devops
ansible all -m ping # run ping module on all inventory hosts
# return
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
ansible localhost -m command -a 'id'
ansible localhost -a 'id'
ansible localhost -m command -a 'id' -u devops # using devops to run the "id" command
ansible localhost -m copy -a 'content="Managed by Ansible\n" dest=/etc/motd' -u devops
ansible localhost -m copy -a 'content="Managed by Ansible\n" dest=/etc/motd' -u devops --become
# if privilge escalation requried"
# run ansible on all inventory hosts
ansible all -m copy -a 'content="Managed by Ansible\n" dest=/etc/motd' -u devops --become
ansible all -m command -a 'cat /etc/motd' -u devops
# *************** Writing and running playbooks *******************
rpm -a nmap
cat ansible.cfg # verify ansible config file
ansible servera.test.lab -m yum -a "name=nmap state=latest"
# install latest versoin of nmap
# if nmap is installed, then update to the latest verion from the repository
# in vi editor, use extended mode, to see the identation
:set list
# python is identation sensitive, do not use TAB, use spacebar
# exmaple of yaml playbook
- english:
- numbers:
1: one
2: two
- words:
one: 1
two: 2
# run ansible playbook
ansible-playbook test.yml --syntax-check
# check ansible playbook file (yaml file) for syntax
visual studio code (yml editor)
# ensure ansible playbook, readability
a. style guide, true, false
b. has blank line between tasks
c. has "-name" for description, task should have name
# Example of ansible playbook
- name: This is the first play
hosts: servera.test.lab
- name: This is first task
msg: This is task 1 of play 1
- name: This is second task
msg: This is task 2 of play 1
- name: This is second play
hosts: localhost
- name: This is first task (of second play)
msg: This is task 1 of play 2
- name: This is second task (of second play)
msg: This is task 2 of play 2
vim ~/.vimrc
# Example of yaml color code
autocmd FileType yaml setlocal ai ts=2 sw=2 et nu cuc
autocmd FileType yaml colo desert
# How to dry run ansible playbook
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -C # -C "uppercase" C for dry run
# Important:
1. when ansible-playbook encounter the first error,
it will stop there, and process no further
2. For troubleshooting, debug ansible playbook, using verbose mode
-vvv enough verbose information
-vvvv Too much verbose information
3. Every task calls a module, with parameter. Every task creates/generates a python script
# HTTP Site ansible playbook
- name: Install and start Apache HTTPD
hosts: web
- name: httpd package is present
name: httpd
state: present
- name: correct index.html is present
src: files/index.html
# the "files" directory is expected on the ansible control node
dest: /var/www/html/index.html
- name: httpd is started
name: httpd
state: started
enabled: true
- name: Create firewall rules
service: http
state: enabled
immediate: true
permanent: true
- name: Test connectivity to web servers
hosts: localhost
become: false
-name: Connect to web server
url: http://servera.test.lab
return_content: yes
Alternative way to create a new index.html
- name: Install sample content
dest: /var/www/html/index.html
content: "Hello World\n"
# Note
When run the ansible playbook, there is an implied task namely "Gathering Facts", it runs first
# test website
curl servera.test.lab
# If the site is https, then using openssl for site testing
openssl s_client -connect servera.test.lab:443
Syntax: openssl s_client -connect <hostname>:<port>
openssl s_client -connect <hostname>:<port> -showcerts
To view complete list of s_client commands: openssl -?
# ********* Implementing Multiple Plays ************
- name: Idempotent
hosts: servera.test.lab
-name: Good example of module usage
content: nameserver
dest: /etc/resolv.conf
# Example of how to create file with lots of lines, and a single line
# "|" to preserve the line
# ">" to keep all in one line
- name: Lines example
hosts: servera.test.lab
-name: lots of lines <--------- Name can have space
content: | <--------- using pipe character "|" to preserve line break
This is line 1
This is line 2
This is line 3
dest: /var/tmp/lots_of_lines
- name: one long line
content: > <---------- using ">" to keep one long line
This is one really long line
that looks like it may by finalized as many lines
but because of the > character, it will be collapsed as one line
dest: /var/tmp/one_line
- name: Enable inranet services
hosts: servera.test.lab
become: yes <------ this is set at the global level
-name: latest version of httpd and firewalld installed
name: <---- name is a key, and it has two values: httpd, firewalld
- httpd
- firewalld
state: latest
-name: test html page is installed
content: "Welcome to the test.lab intranet!\"
dest: /var/www/html/index.html
-name: firewalld enabled and running
name: firewalld
enabled: true
state: started
-name: firewalld permits access to httpd serivce
firewalld: <-------- firewalld module has four (4) arguments
service: http
permanent: true <------ keep consistent "true" as the boolean value
state: enabled
immediate: true <------ keep consistent "true" as the boolean value
-name: httpd enabled and running
name: httpd
enabled: true
state: started
- name: Test intranet web server
# up / top level, this a play level, not a task
hosts: localhost
become: no
- name: connect to intranet web server
url: http://servera.test.lab
return_content: yes
state_code: 200
# do syntax check
ansible-playbook intranet.yml --syntax-check
ansible-playbook intranet.yml -v (or -vvv)
- name: Enable internet services
hosts: serverb.test.lab
become: true
- name: latest version of all required packages installed
- firealld
- httpd
- mariadb-server
- php
- php-mysqlnd
state: latest
- name: firewalld enabled and running
name: firewalld
enabled: true
state: started
- name: firewalld permits http service
service: http
permanent: true
state: enabled
immediate: true
- name: httpd enabled and running
name: httpd
permanent: true
state: enabled
immediate: true
- name: mariabd enabled and running
name: mariadb
enabled: true
state: started
- name: test php page is installed
url: http://materials.test.lab/labs/index.php # download the php file to the serverb
dest: /var/www/html/index.php
mode: 0644
- name: Test intranet web server
hosts: localhost
become: false
tasks: <---------- tasks is a key word at play level
-name: connect to internet web server
url: http://serverb.test.lab
status_code: 200
# *************** Managing variables and facts *****************
# variable
1. need to start with a character, not digit
2. can use "_"
It shows the variable at different level, and 1 is the weakness, and 22 is the strongest
The strongest will always win (override any weaker)
# variable playbook yaml file - playbook.yml
- name: Simple variable example
hosts: dev
- nmap
- httpd
- php
- mod_php
- mod_ssl
- name: Install software
name: "{{ packages }}"
# best practices is have "space" between {{ and variable name, " " required
state: present
using variable "play var" value 12
# Using variable outside playbook, in variable file
- name: Simple variables example
hosts: all
- name: Install software
name: "{{ packages }}"
state: present
Note: In the ansible playbook directory, there is variables files in the sub-directory, such as
cat /group_vars/dev
- httpd
- php
- mod_ssl
- mod_php
cat /groups_vars/all
- nmap
The packages can also be declared inside the host file
cat host_vars/serverb.test.lab
Where, the inventory file has inventory groups:
When, apply the ansible playbook, to install the packages, which packages will be installed?
Answer: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks_variables.html
Look at the variable applying order, and see which one has higher precedence
1. command line values (eg "-u user") <-- weakest
2. role defaults
3. inventory file or script group vars
4. inventory group_vars/all <----- the "all" file inside "group_vars" inventory directory
5. playbook group_vars/all
6. inventory group_vars/*
7. playbook group_var/*
8. inventory file or script host vars
9. inventory host_vars/*
10. playbook host_vars/*
11. host facts / cached set_facts
12. play vars <-------------------------- when declare in playbook, normally used
13. play vars_prompt
14. paly vars_files
# Array playbook example
- name: Array example
hosts: servera.test.lab
vars: <------------ precedence 12
uname: test01
fname: Tester
lname: test01
home: /home/test01
shell: /bin/zsh
uname: test02
fname: Tester
lname: test02
home: /home/test02
shell: /bin/test02
-name: Create a user from an array
name: "{{ users.test01.uname }}"
comment: "{{ users.test01.fname }} {{ users.test01.lname }}"
shell: "{{ users.test01.shell }}"
state: present
# How to verify the user is present/created
getent passwd test01 # getent - get entries from all users available on the system
# How to debug ansible, by using "register" module and save the information in "output" variable
- name: Test connectivity to web servers
hosts: localhost
become: false
- name: Connect to web server
url: http://servera.test.lab
return_content: true
status_code: 200
register: output <--------- "register" is a module, and "output" is a variable
store the information in "output" variable
- name: Show the content of the captured output
debug: <------------- using "debug" module
var: output <----------- using "var" to call the "output"
alternative, we can use "msg", then we need to use {{ }} to refer the variable
msg: "{{ output }}"
When run the playbook
ansible-playbook webserver.yml
It will show "output" variable and all the information. There are many fields, it will show the entire dictionary.
If we only want to show output.content, then
- name: Show the content of the captured output
debug: <------------- using "debug" module
var: output.content <----------- using "var" to call the "output", and show only output.content,
rather than the entire dictionary
# Using variable in playbook
- name: Deploy and start Apache HTTPD service
hosts: webserver
web_pkg: httpd
firewall_pkg: firewalld
web_service: httpd
firewall_service: firewalld
python_pkg: python3-PyMySQL
rule: http
web_page: '/var/www/html/index.html'
web_content: 'Example web content'
url_link: 'http://servera.test.lab'
- name: Required packages are installed and up to date
- "{{ web_pkg }}"
- "{{ firewall_pkg }}"
- "{{ python_pkg }}"
state: latest <----- default "present", we use "latest"
- name: The {{ firewall_service }} service is started and enabled
name: "{{ firewall_service }}"
enabled: true
state: started
- name: The {{ web_service }} service is started and enabled
name: "{{ web_service }}"
enabled: true
state: started
- name: Web content is in place
content: "{{ web_content }}"
dest: "{{ web_page }}"
- name: The firewall port for {{ rule }} is open
service: "{{ rule }}"
permanent: true
immediate: true
state: enabled
- name: Verify the Apache service <---------- 2nd play
hosts: localhost
become: false
- name: Ensure the webserver is reachable
url: "{{ url_link }}"
status_code: 200
# ********* Managing Secrets *******************
- name: Create our users
hosts: servera.test.lab
username: test01
password: Password01 <--------- with crential in the playbook, not good practice
-name: Create users
name: "{{ username }}"
password: "{{ password | password_hash('sha512') }}"
state: present
# Using ansible vault to store credential <-------- ansible vault
# In ansible directory, create my_variables file with the credential
cat my_variables
username: test01
passwrod: Password01
# How to use ansible vault (default it is using AES256 encryption)
ansible-vault encrypt my_variables
New Vault password:
Confirm New Vault password
Encryption successful
Now, when run "cat my_variables", it will show the encrypted credential file
# How to view the content of the ansible vault encrypted file
ansible-vault view my_variables
Vault password:
# after successfully enter the encrypted passowrd, the content of the encrypted file will be shown
# How to update/edit the encrypted ansible vault file content, using "edit"
ansible-vault edit my_variables # Alternatively to run the previous command - ^view^edit
# replace "view" with "edit"
# How to use the ansible vault file - one of the methods
mv my_variables vault # rename the filename to "vault"
mkdir host_vars
mkdir host_vars/servera.test.lab
mv vault host_vars/servera.test.lab # Move the "vault" file to new location
tree host_vars/ # view directory structure
# How to run the ansible playbook with vault file and prompt for the vault credential
ansible-playbook --vault-id @prompt playbook.yml
# How to change the ansible vault file password, using "rekey"
ansible-vault rekey host_vars/servera.test.lab/vault
Vault password:
New Vault password:
Confirm New Vault password:
# ***************** Implementing Task Control ***************
Implementing loops
Implementing a task that runs only when another task change the managed host
Control what happens when a task fails, and what conditions cause a task to fail
# ansible lookup plugin - lookup facilitates loops
ansible-doc -t lookup -l # show the list of lookup plugins
# "t" type of plugin
ansible-doc -t item -l # look at item plugin
# Example to see documentation about lookup "dict" (dictionary)
ansible-doc -t lookup dict
# Create users using loop
- name: Create users
hosts: servera.test.labe
myusers: # myusers is a key with multiple values
- test01
- test02
-name: Creste users
name: "{{ item }}"
state: present
loop: "{{ myusers }}" <---- loop is at task level
# list the users
tail /etc/passwd
- name: Create users in the appropriate groups
hosts: all
- name: Create groups
name: "{{ item }}"
- group1
- group2
- name: Create users in their appropriate groups
name: "{{ item.name }}"
groups: "{{ item.groups }}"
with_dict: <--------------- using dictionary
- { name: 'test01', groups: 'group1' }
- { name: 'test02', groups: 'group2' }
- name: Create the users, and give them acccess to their databases
hosts: all
- test01
- test02
- db01
- db02
- db03
- name: Create the users
name: "{{ item }}"
- "{{ users }}"
- name: Install mariadb-server
yum: # yum install -y package1 && yum install -y package2,
# but we can use "yum install -y package1 package 2
name: "{{ item }}"
- "{{ '@mariadb' }}"
- "{{ '@mariadb-client' }}"
- name: Start and enable the mariadb
name: mariadb
state: started
enabled: true
- name: Include the password from ansible vault
file: passwords.yml
- name: Give the users access to their database
name: "{{ item[0] }}"
priv: "{{ item[1] }}.*:ALL "
append_privs: true
password: "{{ db_pass }}"
- "{{ users }}"
- "{{ category_db }}"
# better style for yum install
- name: Install mariadb-server
- "{{ '@mariadb' }}"
- "{{ '@mariadb-client' }}"
# use "register" to troubleshooting loop, to create dictionary and output the information
# **** Check to see whether the task has been successful
- name: Create and verify a zip file
hosts: localhost
become: false
source: /tmp/testing/scratch
zipfile: /tmp/testing/scratch.tar.gz
zipformat: zip
- name: Create a tar archive of the source directory
format: "{{ zipformat }}"
path: "{{ source }}"
dest: "{{ zipfile }}"
- name: Check to see if the archive exists
path: "{{ zipfile }}"
register: archive
# store the information/result/output in a register variable/dictionary namely "archive"
- name: Show the archive dictionary
var: archive
- name: Make sure that the archive exists before proceeding
that: "'zip' in archive.stat.mimetype"
# ****** Conditional Task Syntax
The "when" statement is used to run a task conditionally.
- name: Simple boolean task
hosts: all
run_task_when_true: true
-name: httpd package is installed
name: httpd
when: run_task_when_true <------ when at the task level
- name: Run the task when the variable is define
hosts: all
required_service: httpd
-name: "{{ required_service }} package is installed"
name: "{{ required_service }}"
when: required_service is defined
# Example of the conditionals
Operation Example
Equal (value is string) ansible_machine == "x86_64"
Equal (value is numeric) max_memory == 512
Less than min_memory < 128
Greater than min_memory > 64
Not equal to min_memory != 64
Variable exists min_memory is defined
Variable does not exists min_memory is not defined
Boolean variable is true (1) memory_available
Boolean variable is false (0) not memory_available
First variable's value is ansible_distribution in supported_distros
# ansible distribution
present as a value in second
variable's list
The managed host setup module creates variables, such as ansible_distribution
- name: Demonstrate the "in" keyword
hosts: all
gather_facts: true
# run the gather_facts module to collect the information
- RedHat
- Fedora
- name: Install httpd using yum on supported distributions
name: httpd
state: present
when: ansible_distribution in supported_distrios
ansible_distribtution == "RedHat" or ansible_distribution == "Fedora"
ansible_distribution_version == "8.0" and ansible_kernel == "xxxxxxx"
- ansible_distribution_version == "8.0"
- ansible_kernel == "xxxxxxx"
when: >
( ansible_distribution == "RedHat" and
ansible_distribution_major_version == "7" )
( ansible_distribution == "Fedora" and
ansible_distribution_major_version == "28" )
- name: Install mariadb-server if enough space on root
name: mariadb-server
state: latest
loop: "{{ ansible_mounts }}" <--------- ansible_mounts facts dictionaries
when: item.mount == "/" and item.size_available > 300000000 <------- 300MB
# using debug to see the collect facts for all the items collected
ansible servera.test.lab -m setup | less
- name: Restart httpd if postfix is running
hosts: all
-name: Get postfix server status
command: /usr/bin/systemctl is-active postfix
ignore_error: true
register: result
- name: Restart Apache httpd based on postfix status
name: httpd
state: restarted
when: result.rc == 0
# Too see more information, using "debug" -- for debug
-name: Get postfix server status
command: /usr/bin/systemctl is-active postfix
ignore_error: true
var: result <------- check "result" for detail information
# ********* Implementing Handlers
Good playbook is to use "copy" rather than "echo" to update/write content to file.
If using echo, every time the playbook is run, it will result in "change" state.
Handlers run at the end of the tasks. If the task fail, then the handlers won't run.
But, by using "force_handlers: true", if the task fail, handlers will run.
- name: Setup the support infrastructure to manage systems
hosts: all
force_handlers: true
- name: Create the user support as a member of the group wheel
groups: wheel
name: support
- name: Install the sudo configuration which allows passwordless execution of commands as root
src: support.sudo
dest: /etec/sudoers.d/support
- name: Install the ssh key
manage_dir: true
user: support
key: "{{ lookup('file', 'id_rsa.pub') }}"
- name: Limit ssh usage to members of the group wheel
state: present
dest: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
line: AllowGroups wheel
notify: Restart the ssh daemon
- name: Disallow password authentication
state: present
dest: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
line: PasswordAuthentication no
notify: Restart the ssh daemon
- name: Restart the ssh daemon
name: sshd
state: restarted
# ********** Handle task failure
1. By default, if a task fail, the playbook stop.
However, this could be override
ignore_errors: true
# This is at the "tasks" identation level (Note: It can be at play level)
2. Forcing execution of handlers after task failure
Normally when a task fails and the play aborts on that host,
any handlers that has been notified by earlier tasks
in the play will not run. If you set the
force_handlers: true keyword on the play
then notfied handlers are called even if the play aborted because a later task failed.
- hosts: all
force_handlers: yes
# this is at the play level, you could also "ignore_errors: yes"
- name: A task will always notifies its handler
command: /bin/true
notify: restart the database
3. Specifying task failure conditions
Using "failed_when" keyword on a task to specify which conditions indicate that the task has failed.
This is often used with command modules that may successfully execute a command,
but the command's output indicates a failure.
- name: Run user creation script
shell: /user/local/bin/create_users.sh
register: command_result
failed_when: "'Password missing' in command_result.stdout"
# ansible "fail" module
ansible-doc fail # to see more information
- name: Run user creation script
shell: /usr/local/bin/create_users.sh
register: command_result
ignore_errors: true
- name: Report script failure
msg: "The password is missing in the output"
when: "'Password missing' in command_result.stdout"
Use fail module to provide a clear failure message for the task.
This enables delayed failure, allowing to run
intermediate tasks to complete or roll back of changes.
3. using changed_when
Normally, the shell module will report "change" when it runs,
suppress that change, so it will only report "ok" or "failed"
- name: Get kerberos credentials as "admin"
shell: echo "{{ krb_admin_pass }}" | kinit -f admin
changed_when: false
report changed based on the output of the module that is collected by a registered variable
- name: Report sucess when upgrade database
cmd: /usr/local/bin/upgrade-database
register: command_result
changed_when: "'Success' in command_result.stdout"
- restart_database
# this is task, and can have "space" in the name
- name: restart_database
name: mariadb
state: restarted
# *** ansible block
4. Ansible blocks and error handling
In playbook, blocks are clauses that logically groups tasks,
and can be used to control are executed.
- name: Block example
hosts: all
- name: Installing and configuring yum versionlock plugin
block: <------- using ansible block
- name: Package needed by yum
name: yum-plugin-versionlock
state: present
- name: Lock version of tzdata
dest: /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/versionlock.list
line: tzdata-2016j-1
state: present
when: ansible_distribution == RedHat
# same conditional will apply to both tasks in the block
If without block, then we need to have two conditional, one for each task
5. If the tasks in the block clause fail, tasks defined in the "rescure" and "always" clauses are executed.
- name: Upgrade database
- name: Upgrade the database
cmd: /usr/local/lib/upgrade-database
- name: Revert the database upgrade
cmd: /usr/local/lib/revert-database
- name: Always restart the database
name: mariadb
state: restarted
Note: The "when" condition on a block cluse also applies to its rescure and always clauses if present.
- name: Task failure exercise
hosts: databases
web_package: httpd
db_package: mariadb-server
db_service: mariadb
- name: Check local time
# this happens before the "block", result in a change state
command: date
register: command_result
- name: Print local time
var: command_result.stdout
Better using following to not show as change state, unless fail
- name: Check local time
# this happens before the "block", result in no change state
command: date
register: command_result
changed_when: false
- name: Print local time
var: command_result.stdout
-name: Attempt to set up a webserver
- name: Install {{ web_package }} package
name: "{{ web_package }}"
state: present
failed_when: web_package != "httpd"
- name: Install {{ db_package }} package
name: "{{ db_package }}"
state: present
- name: Start {{ db_service }} service
name: "{{ db_service }}"
state: started
- name: Playbook Control
hosts: webservers
vars_files: vars.yml <--------- contains the variables
# Fail fast message
- name: Show failed system requirements message
msg: "The {{ inventory_hostname }} did not meet minimum requirements."
when: >
ansible_memtotal_mb < min_ram_mb or
ansible_distribution != "RedHat"
# Install all packages
- name: Ensure required packages are present
name: "{{ packages }}"
state: latest
# Enable and start services
- name: Ensure services are started and enalbed
name: "{{ item }}"
state: started
enabled: true
loop: "{{ services }}"
# Block of config tasks
- name: Setting up the SSL cert directory and config files
- name: Create SSL cert directoy
path: "{{ ssl_cert_dir }}"
state: directory
- name: Copy Config Files
src: "{{ item.src }}"
dest: "{{ item.dest }}"
loop: "{{ web_config_files }}"
notify: restart web service
- name: Configuration error message
msg: >
One or more of the configuration
changes failed, but the web service
is still active.
# Configure the firewall
- name: Ensure web server ports are open
service: "{{ item }}"
immediate: true
permanent: true
state: enabled
- http
- https
# Add handlers
- name: restart web service
name: "{{ web_service }}"
state: restarted
# vars.yml
min_ram_mb: 256
web_service: httpd
web_package: httpd
ssl_package: mod_ssl
fw_service: firewalld
fw_package: firewalld
- "{{ web_service }}"
- "{{ fw_service }}"
- "{{ web_package }}"
- "{{ ssl_package }}"
- {{ fw_package }}"
ssl_cert_dir: /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl
- src: server.key
dest: "{{ ssl_cert_dir }}"
- src: server.crt
dest: "{{ ssl_cert_dir }}"
curl -k -vvv https://serverb.test.lab
# "k" means we will accept the self signed certificate
# ****************** Deploy Files to Manage Hosts ********************
# Commonly used file modules
# use to manage file or directory, or link, ownership, permission, SELinux context,
# insert, update, or remove a block of multiline text surrounded by cusomizable marker lines
fetch # fetching files from remote machines to the control node
# ensure that a particluar line is in a file,
# or replace an existing line using back-reference regular experssion
# retrieve status information for a file, similar to Linux "stat" command
# a wrapper around the "rsync" command
Note: It is not to provide access to the full power of rysnc command,
but make the most common invocations easier to implement
You still need to call the "rsync" command directly via the "run" command module
# create a file and set permission
- name: Touch a file and set permissions
path: /patch/to/file
owner: user1
group: group1
mode: 0640
state: touch
# modify file attributes
Using file module to ensure that a new or existing file has the correct permissions or SELinux type.
ls -Z file1 # verify file SELinux context
# Security Enhanced Linux
- name: SELinux type is set to samba_share_t
path: /path/to/samba_file
setype: samba_share_t
Similar to "chcon" command
mkdir samba
chcon -t samba_share_t samba/
ls -ldZ samba/
# SELinux context for directory
If someone run "restorecon" then, the file permission will be reset
SELinux modules: sefcontxt, selinux, selinux_permissive, selogin
ansible-doc selinux # see more information about the module
#********* Copying and Editing files on managed hosts
The copy can be used to copy file locates in the ansible directory on the control node to selected managed hosts.
By default, this module assumes that "force: true" is set, it force to overwrite the remote file if it exists.
If "force: false" is set, then it only copies the file if it does not already exist.
-name: Copy a file to managed hosts
src: file
dest: /path/to/file
# fetch is used to retrieve a file from a refrence system before distributing it to other managed hosts.
- name: Retrieve SSH key from reference host
src: "/home/{{ user }}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"
dest: "files/keys/{{ use }}.pub"
# Add a line to an existing file, using "lineinfile" module
- name: Add a line of text to a file
path: /path/to/file
line: 'Add this line to the file'
state: present
# Add a block of text to an existing file, use the "blockinfile" module
- name: Add additional lines to a file
path: /path/to/file
block: | <------------- using "|" for line break
First line to be added
Second line to be added
state: present
- name: Copy file from ansible control node to remote host
hosts: localhost
become: false
- source: /home/user01/ansible
- destination: https://transfer.sh/ansible.zip
- zipfile: /home/user01/ansible.zip
- name: Check whether the source directory exists
path: "{{ source }}"
register: verify_result
- name: Make sure the directory exists before proceeding
assert: <---------- assert can have multiple conditions
that: "'directory' in verify_result.stat.mimetype"
- name: Create a tar archive of the source directory
format: zip
path: "{{ source }}"
dest: "{{ zipefile }}"
- name: Check whether the archive exists
path: "{{ zipfile }}"
register: archive
- name: Make sure the archive exists before proceeding
that: "'zip' in archive.stat.mimetype"
- name: Upload the tar archive to the remote host
shell: curl --upload-file {{ zipfile }} {{ destination }}
warn: false
register: result
- name: Display the download path
msg: "Your download URL is {{ result.stdout }} and will be avaiable for 2 weeks from {{ ansible_date_time.date }}"
- name: Validate that the upload is downloadable
url: "{{ result.stdout }}"
dest: /var/tmp/
- name: Remove the download copy
path: /var/tmp/ansible.zip
state: absent
# synchronize module
- name: synchronize local file to remote files
src: file
dest: /path/to/file
Note: There are many ways to use the synchronize module and its many parameters,
including sychronizing directories.
ansible-doc synchronize # view documentation
# Retrieve log files
- name: Use fetch module to retrieve log files
hosts: all
remote_user: support
become: true
- name: Fetch the /var/log/secure log file from the managed hosts
src: /var/log/secure
dest: secure-backups
flat: no
# verify the backup
tree -F secure-backups # it will show the backup file structure
- name: Copy a file to managed hosts and set attributes/permissions
src: files/test.txt
dest: /home/devops/test.txt
owner: devops
group: devops
# mode: 0630
mode: u+rw, g-wx, o-rwx
setype: samba_share_t
- name: Persistently set the SELinux context on the file
target: /home/devops/test.txt
setype: samba_share_t
state: present
# verify
ansible all -m command -a 'ls -Z' -u devops
- name: Using the file module to ensure SELinux file context as default
hosts: all
remote_user: devops
become: true
- name: SELinux file context is set to defaults
path: /home/devops/test.txt
seuser: _default
serole: _default
setype: _default
selevel: _default
# verify SELinux change
ansible all -m command -a 'ls -Z' -u devops
Note: verify the default file attributes of "unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0"
# verify content of the file
ansible all -m command -a 'cat test.txt' -u devops
# Delete a file from the remote host
- name: Remove a file
hosts: all
remote_user: devops
- name: Remove a file from the managed hosts
path: /home/devops/test.txt
state: absent
#*************** Deploy custom files with Jinja2 templates ****************
Using "template" module
# ansible config file
cat ansible.cfg
inventory = inventory
ansible_managed = Ansible managed: modified on %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
# Message of the day Jinja2 file
cat motd.j2
This is the system {{ ansible_facts['fqdn'] }}.
This is a {{ ansible_facts['distribution'] }} version {{ ansible_facts['distribution_version'] }} system.
Only use this system with permission.
You can request access from {{ system_owner }}.
system_owner is defined by "vars" variable
# Create a playbook file namely motd.yml in the current working directory.
Include a task for the template module that maps the motd.j2 Jinja2 template to the remote file /etc/motd
on the managed hosts.
- name: Configure SOE
hosts: all
remote_user: devops
become: true
- system_owner: admin@test.lab
- name: Confgure /etc/motd
src: motd.j2
dest: /etc/motd
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
# Linux file permission
0421 (read/write/execute)
owner: read
group: write
other/world: execute
# gather some information
ansible serverb.test.lab -m setup | grep -E 'processor|memtotal'
# cat motd.j2
System total memory: {{ ansible_facts['memtotal_mb'] }} MiB.
System processor count: {{ ansible_facts ['processor_count'] }}
- name: Configure system
hosts: all
remote_user: devops
become: true
- name: Configure a custom /etc/motd
src: motd.j2
dest: /etec/motd
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
- name: Check file exists
path: /etc/motd
register: motd
- name: Display stat results
var: motd
- name: Copy custom /etc/issue file
src: files/issue
dest: /etc/issue
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
- name: Esure /etc/issue.net is a symlink to /etc/issue
src: /etc/issue
dest: /etc/issue.net
state: link
owner: root
group: root
force: true
#**************** Managing large projects - complex hosts *****************
ansible all --list-hosts
# it will return all hosts, if host appears in multiple groups, it will only report once.
Note: Same command using wildcard *
ansible '*' --list-hosts
# need to using ' ' (single quote)
ansbile '*.test.lab' --list-hosts
# can apply to IP addresses
# AND operator
ansible 'dev,&webservers' --list-hosts
# ",&" with comma and & for AND operator
# part of dev, but NOT part of webservers
ansible 'dev,!webservers' --list-hosts
# "!" machine part of "dev", but NOT part of webserver group
# when constructure hosts, there are ways for inclusion, exclusion
- servera.test.lab
- dev,&webservers
- prod,!webservers
# The playbook.yml does not have entries for "hosts"
- name: Resolve host patterns
- name: Display managed host name
msg: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
Note: inventory_hostname will be coming from gather_facts
# when there are multiple inventory files in the ansible directory
# need to specify the inventory file
# Note: The host in the command need to exist in the inventory file
ansible db1.test.lab -i inventory1 --list-hosts
ansible -i inventory1 --list-hosts
ansible all -i inventory1 --list-hosts
ansible '*.test.lab' -i inventory1 --list-hosts
ansible '*.test.lab, !*.test.lab' -i inventory1 --list-hosts
ansible '172.25.*' -i inventory1 --list-hosts
ansible 's*' -i inventory1 --list-hosts
# list hosts that are in inventory, in prod group,
host has ip address beginning with 172, and host contains lab
# it is combination of all the hosts
ansible 'prod,172*,*lab*' -i inventory1 --list-hosts
# Apply inventory groups with playbook
ansible-playbook -i inventory2 playbook.yml
#***************** Including and importing files *********************
This is similar to programming "include",
so we can keep RHEL 8 related in RHEL8 file, and RHEL7 in different files, or
netowrking in one file, etc
ansible-doc -l
/^import # search modules starting with "import"
# example of "include"
- name: Include tasks from another file
include_tasks: network_tasks.yml
# The network tasks in different yml file
- name: Import tasks from another file
import_tasks: network_tasks.yml
# The network tasks in different yml file
1. network_tasks.yml is NOT a playbook, it is a yaml file that has the tasks
2. When run "ansible-playbook mainplaybook.yml --syntax-check,
it will only check the main playbook, but it skip the "include yaml" file
We need to run syntax-check against the include file, to ensure there is no error
ansible-playbook include.yml --syntax-check
3. But, if we are to us "import", then when run syntax-check against the main playbook,
it will report error if the import file has error.
- name: This is network relate task
msg: xxxxx
# to list the playbook tasks
ansible-playbook hasimport.yml --list-tasks
# including the import tasks
ansible-playbook hasinclude.yml --list-tasks
# does NOT list the tasks in the "include.yml"
1. The import file is considered as static tasks. The syntax-check will also check the import file
2. The include file is considered as dynamic tasks, therefore, need to do syntax-check in advance.
# environment.yml - Not a playbook, it is a yaml dictionary
- name: Install the {{ package }} package
name: "{{ package }}"
state: latest
- name: Start the {{ service }} service
name: "{{ service }}"
enabled: true
state: started
# firewall.yml - not a playbook, it is a yaml dictionary
- name: Install the firewall
name: "{{ firewall_pkg }}"
state: latest
- name: Start the firewall
name: "{{ firewall_svc }}"
enabled: true
state: started
- name: Open the port for {{ rule }}
service: "{{ item }}"
immediate: true
permanent: true
state: enabled
loop: "{{ rule }}"
# placeholder.yml
- name: Create placeholder file
content: "{{ ansible_facts['fqdn'] }} has been customized using Ansible.\n"
dest: "{{ file }}"
# test.yml
- name: Test web service
hosts: localhost
become: false
-name: Connect to internet web server
url: "{{ url }}"
status_code: 200
# playbook.yml
- name: Configure web server
hosts: servera.test.lab
- name: Include the environment task file and set the variables
include_tasks: tasks/environment.yml
package: httpd
service: httpd
when: ansible_facts ['os_family'] == "RedHat'
- name: Import the firewall task file and set the variables
import_tasks: tasks/firewall.yml
firewall_pkg: firewalld
firewall_svc: firewalld
- http
- https
- name: Import the placeholder task file and set the variable
import_tasks: task/placeholder.yml
file: /var/www/html/index.html
- name: Import test play file and set the variable
# play level, not tasks level
import_playbook: plays/test.yml
url: 'http://servera.test.lab'
# More example
ls inventory/ # list the files in the inventory/ directory
chmod 755 inventory/inventory.py # set executable
inventory/inventory.py --list # list the inventory
ansible server*.test.lab --list-hosts
- name: Install and configure web service
hosts: server*.test.lab
serial: 2 <----------------- using serial
- name: Import the web_tasks.yml task file
import_tasks: tasks/web_tasks.yml
- name: Import the firewall_task.yml task file
import_tasks: tasks/firewall_tasks.yml
- name: restart httpd
name: httpd
state: restarted
# ********************************* Roles ***********************************************
# simplying playbooks with roles
It allows to reuse Ansilbe code easily with roles
Important Note:
Role is a directory structure with resources that we could use to delivery a number of solutions.
Role is NOT a playbook, we still need to create playbook to run them.
Roles/directory structure could contain: (share the code with others, or other projects)
Jinja 2 template files
static file
tasks files
variable file, etc
Then package them into directory.
** Important: Need to be heavily parameterized, so it can be shared with other project/teams.
# example of Ansible role
tree user.example
- defaults
- main.yml
- files
- handlers
- main.yml
- meta
- main.yml
- tasks
- main.yml
- templates
- tests
- inventory
- test.yml
- vars
- main.yml
Using roles in a playbook, this is one way to call Ansible roles.
- hosts: remote.test.lab
- role1
- role2
# Important
For each role specified, the role tasks, role handlers, role variables,
and role dependencies will be imported into the playbook, in order.
Any copy, script, template, or include_tasks/import_tasks in the role can reference the relevant files,
templates, or task file in the role
without absolute or relative path names.
Ansible looks for them in the role's files, templates, or tasks subdirectories respectively.
When you use a roles section to import roles into a play,
the roles will run first, before any tasks that you define for that play.
ansible-galaxy <enter> # It will show options that can be used
ansible-galaxy --help
# Search ansible-galaxy roles matching the <topic>
ansible-galaxy search <topic>
# ansible-galaxy search ssh
ansible-galaxy search ssh --platform EL
# search more specific topic, in Enterpries Linux regarding with platform ssh
ansible-galaxy search ssh --platforms EL --galaxy-tags system
# more specific about "system" tags
ansible-galaxy search ssh -platforms EL --galaxy-tags system --author <author name>
# How to install ansible-galaxy role
ansible-galaxy install <role name>
# Example, ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.ssh-chroot-jail
ansible-galaxy install <role name> -p <path/directory>
# Example, ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.ssh-chroot-jail -p roles
# verify ansible-galaxy installation
cd roles/
ls -l
ansible-galaxy list
Note: list the roles, if the the newly installed ansible-galaxy role(s) does not appear,
then update galaxy config file
or install the galaxy role into "/root/.ansible/roles" directory
# How to update ansible galaxy config with the newly installed galaxy role
mkdir /root/.ansible/roles
ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.ssh-chroot-jail -p /root/.ansible/roles/
ansible-galaxy list
# it will now show the newly installed ansible galaxy role
ls -l /root/.ansible/roles/geerlingguy.ssh-chroot-jail
# to see the role directory structure
# ******* Installing roles using a requirements file
You can also use ansible-galaxy to install a list of roles based on definitions in a text file.
You can create roles/requirements.yml file the project directory that specifies which roles are needed.
This file acts as a dependency manifest for the playbook project.
which enables playbook to be developed and tested separately from any supporting roles.
# requirements.yml to install geerlingguy.redis
- src: geerlingguy.redis
version: "1.5.0"
The src attribute specifies the source of the role, the version attribue is optional.
ansible-galaxy install -r roles/requirements.yml -p /root/.ansible/roles/
# Example
cat /roles/requirements.yml
# from Ansible Galaxy, using the latest version
- src: geerlingguy.redis <--------- roles download from Ansible controller node
# from Ansible Galaxy, overriding the name and using a specific version
- src: geerlingguy.redis
version: "1.5.0"
name: redis_prod
# from any git-based repository, using https
-src: https://gitlab.com/guardianproject-ops/ansible-nginx-acme.git
# roes from Gitlab
scm: git
version: 56e00a54
name: nginx-acme
# from any git-based repository, using SSH
-src: git@gitlab.com:guardianproject-ops/ansible-nginx-acme.git
scm: git
version: master
name: nginx-acme-ssh
# from a role tar ball, given a URL
# supports http, https, or file protocols
-src: file:///opt/local/roles/testrole.tar
# 1st two "//" is reference file share, the 3d "/" reference "/" root file system
name: testrole
The "src" keyword sepcifies the Ansible Galaxy role name.
If the role is not hosted on Ansible Galaxy, the src keyword indicates the role's URL.
# How to remove Ansible Galaxy role
ansible-galaxy list # list the galaxy roles
ansible-galaxy remove <ansible-galaxy role name>
# Example
vim roles/requirements.yml
cat roles/requirements.yml
# requirements.yml
- src: git@workstation.test.lab:test01/bash_env
scm: git <----------- "scm" source code managemnt
version: master <-------- the branch is "master"
name: test01.bash_env
ansible-galaxy install -r roles/requirements.yml -p roles
ls roles/
Note: There are two files under "roles/" directory, requirements.yml & test01.bash_env
# verify Ansible roles update after install roles
ansible-galaxy list
# Not able to see the newly installed role, as the instllation is not in the default Ansible role directory
anslbile-galaxy list -p roles
# list ansible roles in the "roles/" directory, we will be able to see the newly installed roles
# The installation is not in the default ansible role directory, it is in the "customed" roles directory
# Create a playbook to use the new role
- name: use test01.bash_new role playbook
hosts: devservers
default_prmot: '[\u on \h in \W dir]\$' # <loginuser> on <login-host> in <working directory>\
- name: Ensure test user does not exist
name: test02
state: absent <---- delete the user if exist
force: true
remove: true
- test01.bash_new
- name: Create the test user
name: test02
state: present
passwrod: "{{ 'redhat' | password_hash('sha512'), 'mysecretsalt' }}"
ansible-playbook use-bash_env-role.yml
# Create bash profile Jinja2 template
cat roles/test01.bash_env/templates/_bash_profile.j2
# .bash_profile
# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
# User specific environment and startup programs
PATH = $PATH:$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/bin
export PATH
#*********************** Getting roles and modules from Content Collections *************
Ansible has many plugins, such as
module plugins
inventory plugins
callback plugins
vars plugins
lookup plugins
connection plugins
become plugins
A content collecion is a collection of plugins
A developer can create a content collection, which contains plugins, roles
which is indepent of the Ansible plugins, roles
Contents can come from "Redhat Automation Hub - https://console.redhat.com" or "Ansible Galaxy"
Automation Hub
# has certified and supported "collections", need valid RHEL support subscription
Ansible Galaxy
# community support (It has roles and collections)
Naming standard - Collection:
namespace . collection_name
namespace: developer / team / vendor
collection_name: friendly name
You can configure "ansible.cfg" with "RHEL Automation Hub" for content
a. Prerequisites
- Obtain the API token from the Automation Hub server.
b. Procedure
1. Add "server_list" option under [galaxy] section, and provide one or more server names
2. Create a new section for each server name
3. Set the url option if necessary. The community Ansible Galaxy does not require any "auth_url"
4. Set the "auth_url" option for each server name
5. Set the API token for the Automation Hub server.
# How to check the ansbile config collections configuration
ansible-config dump | grep -i collections
Example output
COLLECTION_PATH(default) = ['/home/test01/.ansible/collections', '/usr/share/ansible/collections']
# How to install ansible collection
Using "ansible-galaxy connection" command # ansible-galaxy collection --help
ansible-galaxy collection install --help | tail -5
-p COLLECTION_PATH # The path to the directory containing the collections
-r REQUIREMENTS # requirement-file
A file containing a list of collections to be installed
# Install Ansible galaxy collection
ansible-galaxy collection install http://materials.test.lab/lab/role-collections/gls-utils.0.0.1.tar.gz
Note down the installation location
Read/show the first section of the README.md file
head -9 ~/.ansible/collecions/ansible_collections/util/roles/<role_name>/README.md
If the collection comes with any plugin, note down its plugins, example
ls ~/.ansible/collecions/ansible_collections/util/roles/<role_name>/plugins/modules/<filename.py>
ls ~/.ansible/collecions/ansible_collections/gls/utils/plugins/modules/newping.py
Note: This is not ICMP ping, this is a trival test module tht requires Python on the remote-node.
For Windows targets, use the [ansible.windows.win-ping] module
For network targets, use the [ansible.netcommon.net_ping] module
Note: module file in this case is python file
To read the documentation about the collection
ansible-doc <anisble_collection_name>
# Fully qualify collection name - FQCN (namespace.collection_name.<module_name>
# Example of usng the installed collection and role
- name: Backup the system configuration
hosts: servera.test.lab
become: true
gather_facts: true
- name: Ensure the machine is up
# newly installed collection module
data: pong
# ping successful result "pong"
- name: Ensure configuration files are saved
name: gls.utils.backup
backup_id: backup_etc
- /etc/sysconfig
- /etc/yum.repos.d
# cat requirements.yml
- name: http://materials.test.lab/labs/role-collections/redhat-insights-1.0.5.tar.gz
- name: http://materials.test.lab/labs/role-collections/redhat-rhel_system_roles-1.0.1.tar.gz
# Install collection using the requirements file
ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml
# Playbook to configure the system
- name: Configure the system
hosts: servera.test.lab
become: true
gather_facts: true
- name: Ensure the system is registered with Insights
name: redhat.insights.insights_client
auto_config: false
insights_proxy: http://proxy.test.lab:8080
- name: Ensure SELinux is enforcing
name: redhat.rhel_system_roles.selinux
selinux_state: enforcing
# Run playbook verification using "check"
ansible-playbook new_system.yml --check <---- No changes are actually been make, just "check"
# Simply playbooks with roles
cat web_dev_server.yml
- name: Configure Dev Web Server
hosts: dev_webserver
force_handlers: yes
mkdir -p roles
cat roles/requirements.yml
- name: infra.apache
src: git@workstation.test.lab:infra/apache
scm: git
verson: v1.4
# install role with requirements
ansible-galaxy install -r roles/requirements.yml -p roles
sudo yum install -y rhel-system-roles | tail -4 # verify the roles installation
tail roles/apache.developer_configs/meta/main.yml
cat web_dev_server.yml
- name: Configure Dev Web Server
hosts: dev_webserver
force_handlers: true
- apache.developer_configs
# Need to configure SELinux as the dev web server are using non-standard ports: 8081, 8082 (Note: standard is 8080)
- name: Configure Dev Web Server
hosts: dev_webserver
force_handlers: true
- apache.developer_configs
- name: Check SELinux configuration
- include_roles:
name: rhel-system-roles.selinux
# Fail if failed for a different reason than selinux_reboot_required
- name: Check for general failure
msg: "SELinux role failed."
when: not selinux_reboot_required
- name: Restart managed host
msg: "Ansible rebooting system for updates
- name: Reapply SELinux role to complete changes
name: rhel-system-roles.selinux
# cat selinux.yml
# variables used by rhel-system-roles.selinux
selinux_policy: targeted
selinux_state: enforcing
- ports:
- "9081"
- "9082"
proto: 'tcp'
setype: 'http_port_t'
state: 'present'
# copy the selinux.yml to the required location, so it can be used by the playbook
cp selinux.yml group_vars/dev_webserver
# carry out syntax-check
ansible-playbook web_dev_server.yml --syntax-check
# run playbook
ansible-playbook web_dev_server.yml # SELinux now works with customized port 9081 & 9081
#************** Troubleshooting Ansible *************
Troubleshoot playbooks and managed hosts
1. Troubleshoot generic issues with a new playbook and repair them
2. Troubleshoot failures on managed hosts when running a playbook
Visual Studio Code - Microsoft (Editor)
# 1. verify ansible log - Update ansible log path
ansible-config dump | grep -i log
# Update "ansible.cfg" with "log_path=<path>"
# Example
# Create the ansible log directory and log file
mkdir -v logs
touch logs/ansible.log
Once the log path is updated, all the output will display on screen/monitor, plus save to the log file
# 2. **** verbose level - v, vv, vvv, vvvv
ansible-playbook intranet.yml -v (-vv, -vvv, -vvvvv)
# 3. Create a script
Create a variable
# create a variable and assign value "1"
# This will instruct the control node to keep the python script that run on the remote host in the remote host, under
# ".ansible/tmp" directory
If you know Python, you can debug the Python script. To verify the Python script
SSH to the remote host as the devops user (The remote_user), navigate to ".ansible/tmp" directory
ssh devops@servera # ssh to the remote host
cd .ansible/tmp
ls -l # There are directories created, "ansible-tmp-xxxxx"
There are files in the directory, namely "AnsiballZ_<module_name>.py
# 4. Capture the output of the variable in debug module, to find out the key words in the dictionary, or the sub-dictionaries
The output the variable to see the information
ansible-doc debug # find out the options that debug module has
1) Example 1
- shell: /usr/bin/uptime
registery: result # capture the result of shell command "/usr/bin/uptime" in a register namely "result"
- debug:
var: result
verbosity: 2 # display the "result" with verbose mode 2 (show more information)
2) Example 2
- name: Display all variables/facts known for a host
var: hostvars[inventory_hostname]
verbosity: 4
# 5. ansible-lint Cool troubleshooting tool
It not only do syntax check, but also tell you whether the playbook is developed with best practices.
It also verify whether task has "name". It is best practice that ansible task has name.
# 6. List the playbook tasks, to verify login an implementation
ansible-playbook intranet.yml --list-tasks
# 7. Run playbook with "step", so can step through the playbook
ansible-playbook intranet.yml --step
# 8. Run playbook from "task name/particular task"
ansible-playbook intranet.yml --start-at-task=<task name>
ansible-playbook intranet.yml --start-at-task="firewalld enabled and running"
# 9. Check playbook (not actually run), "run smoke test"
ansible-playbook playbook.yml --check
Note: The task inside the playbook can overwrite check
- name: task always in check mode
shell: uname -a
check_mode: yes <------------ will always run check
# 10. "--diff" option
ansible-playbook playbook.yml --check --diff # show what change is make in the remote host
# 11. Testing the modules
Some modules can provide addtional information about the status of the managed host.
a. "uri" module
It provides a way to check that a RESTful API is returning the required content
- name: Check api return version content
url: http://api.test.com
return_content: true
register: apiresponse
- name: R
- fail:
msg: 'version is not provided'
when: "'version' not in apiresponse.content"
b. "script" module supports executing a script on managed hosts, and fails if the return code for that script is nonzero.
Note: The script must exist on the control node, and it is transferred to and executed on the managed hosts.
- script: check_free_memroy
c. "stat" module gathers facts for a file much like the "stat" command.
You can use it to register a variable and then test to determine if the file exists or to get other information about the file.
If the file does not exist, the stat task will not fail, but its registered variable will report "false" for
d. "assert" module
It is an alternative to the "fail" module. The assert module supports a "that" option that takes a list of conditions.
If any of those conditionals are false, the task fail.
You can use the "success_msg" and "fail_msg" options to customize the message it prints if it reports success or failure
- name: check if /var/run/app.lock exists
path: /var/run/app.lock
register: lock
- name: Fail if the application is running
- no lock.stat.exists
#*** Troubleshooting connections
Ansible works best using ssh key. Copy the control node public key to the managed hosts.
Many common problems when using Ansible to manage hosts are associated with
1. connections to the managed host
2. configuration problems around the remote user and privilege escalation
If you are having problems authenticating to a managed host
1. make sure you have "remote_user" set correctly in ansible configuration file or in your playbook
2. confirm that you have the correct SSH keys setup or are providing the correct password for the "remote_user"
3. Make sure that "become" is set properly
a. Using the correct "become_user" (that is root by default)
b. You are entering the correct "sudo" password and that "sudo" on the managed host is configured correctly
A more subtle problem has to do with "inventory" settings.
1. With a complex server with multiple network addresses,
you may need to use a particular address or DNS name when connecting to that system
You may not want to use that address as the machine's inventory name for better readability.
You could set a host inventory variable, "ansible_host",
that will override the inventory name with a differnt name or IP address and be
used by Ansible to connect to that host.
This variable could be set in the "host_vars" file or directory for that host,
or could be set in the inventory file itself.
web4.phx.test.lab ansible_host=
# 12. Testing managed hosts using ad hoc commands
a. Use "ping" module to test whether you can connect to the managed hosts.
Depending on the options you pass,
you can also use it to test whether privilege escalation and credentials are correctly configured
ansible testhost -m ping
ansible testhost -m ping --become
testhost | FAILED! => {
"ansible_facts": {
"discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
"changed": false
"module_stderr": "sudo": a password is required\n",
"module_stdout": "",
"msg": "MODULE FAILURE\nSee stdout/stderr for the exect error",
"rc": 1
b. verify remote host file system whether is full / disk free
ansible remotehost -m command -a 'df'
ansible remotehost -m command -a 'free -m'
ansible remothost.test.lab -u devops -b -a "head /etc/posix/main.cf"
# start of mailrelay playbook
- name: create mail relay servers
hosts: mailrelay
user: devops
become: true
- name: install postfix package
name: postfix
state: installed
- name: install mail config files
src: postfix-relay-main.config.j2
dest: /etc/postfix/main.cf
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
notify: restart postfix
- name: check main.cf file
stat: path=/etc/postfix/main.cf
register: maincf
when: maincf.stat.exists is defined
- mame: start and enable mail services
name: postfix
state: started
enabled: yes
- name: start and enable mail services
name: postfix
state: started
enabled: true
- name: check for always_bcc
command: /usr/sbin/postconf always_bcc
register: bcc_state
ignore_errs: true
- name: email notification of alwys_bcc config
to: use01@serverb.test.lab
subject: 'always_bcc setting is not empty'
body: "always_bcc is {{bcc_state.stdout }}"
when: bcc_state.stdout != 'always_bcc='
- name: postfix firewalld config
staet: enabled
permanent: true
immediate: true
service: smtp
-name: restart postfix
name: postfix
state: restarted
# end of emailrelay play
# Verify the playbook changes
ansible servera.test.lab -u devops -b -a "firewall-cmd --list-services"
# Example code fix
- name: create secure web service
hosts: webservers
#remote_user: students
# need to be fixed
remote_user: devops
# privilege escalation is not set in ansible.cfg
become: true
#random_var: This is colon: test
# need to " " quote to prevent ":" double quote interpretation
random_var: "This is colon: test"
- block:
- name: install web server packages
#name: {{ item }}
name: "{{ item }}"
state: latest
- restart services
- httpd
- mod_ssl
- name: install httpd config files
src: vhosts.conf
dest: /etc/httpd/conf.d/vhosts.conf
backup: yes
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
register: vhosts_config
- restart services
- name: create ssl certificate
command: openssl req -new -nodes
-x509 -subj "/C=US/ST=North Carolina/L=Raleigh/O=Example Inc/CN=serverb.test.lab"
-days 365 -keyout /etc/pki/tls/private/serverb.test.lab.key
-out /etc/pki/tls/certs/serverb.test.lab.crt -extensions v3_ca
creates: /etc/pki/tls/certs/serverb.test.lab.crt
# - name: start and enable web services <----- identation issue
- name: start and enable web services
name: httpd
state: started
enabled: true
- name: deliver content
path: /etc/httpd/conf.d/vhosts.conf
state: absent
- restart services
- name: email notification of httpd config status
to: test@serverb.test.lab
subject: 'httpd config is not correct'
body: "httpd syntax is {{ httpd_conf_syntax.stdout }}"
when: httpd_conf_syntax.stdout != 'Syntax OK'
- name: restart services
name: httpd
state: restarted
# end of secure web play
ansible-playbook secureweb.yml # test the updated yml playbook
ansible all -u devops -b -m command -a 'systemctl status httpd'
# verify the http content
#****************** Automation admin tasks ***********************
Ansible Task Yum Command
- name: Install or update httpd
# yum update httpd, or yum install httpd (if the package is not yet installed)
name: httpd
state: latest
- name: Update all packages yum update
name: '*'
state: latest
- name: Remove httpd yum remove httpd
name: httpd
state: absent
- name: Install Development Tools yum group install "Development Tools"
name: '@Development Tools'
state: present
With Ansible module, must use prefix group name with @
To retrieve the list of groups "yum group list" command
- name: Remove Development Tools yum group remove "Development Tools"
name: '@Development Tools'
state: absent
- name: Install perl AppStream module yum module install perl:5.26/minimal
name: '@perl:5.26/minimal'
state: present
To list the available Yum AppStream modules:
yum module list
- name: Configure the company Yum repositories
hosts: servera.test.lab
- name: Deploy the GPG public key
key: http://materials.test.lab/yum/repository/RPM-GPG-KEY-example
- name: Ensure Example Repo exists
file: example
name: example-internal
description: Example Inc Internal YUM repo
baseurl: http://materials.test.lab/yum/repository/
enabled: true
gpgcheck: true <--------- the previous task has downloaded the gpg key
state: present
#********* Setup support infrastructure to manage systems
- name: Setup the support infrastructure to manage systems
hosts: all
- name: Create the user support as a member of the group wheel
groups: wheel
name: support
- name: Install the sudo configuration which allows passwordless execution of commands as root
src: support.sudo
dest: /etc/sudoers.d/support
- name: Install the ssh key
manage_dir: yes
user: support
key: "{{ lookup('file', 'id_rsa.pub') }}"
- name: Limit ssh usage to members of the group wheel
state: present
dest: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
line: AllowGroups wheel
notify: Restart the ssh daemon
# cat support.sudo
#******* Managing Users and Authentication
- name: Create multiple local users
hosts: webservers
- vars/users_vars.yml
# even though the handlers appear here,
# it only executive after all tasks run. It is a normal task
- name: Restart sshd
name: sshd
state: restarted
- name: Add webadmin group
name: webadmin
state: present
- name: Create user accounts
name: "{{ item.username }}"
group: webadmin
loop: "{{ users }}"
- name: Add authorized keys
user: "{{ item.username }}"
key: "{{ lookup('file', 'files/'+ item.username + '.key.pub') }}"
# lookup module, lookup file
loop: "{{ users }}"
- name: Modify sudo config to allow webadmin users sudo without a password
content: "%webadmin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" <
# %webadmin refer to group
dest: /etc/sudoers.d/webadmin
mode: 0440
- name: Disable root login via SSH
dest: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
regexp: "^PermitRootLogin"
line: "PermitRootLogin no"
notify: "Restart sshd"
# notify handlers, run handlers task "Resart sshd"
# cat vars/users_vars.yml
- username: user1
groups: webadmin
- username: user2
groups: webadmin
- username: user3
groups: webadmin
# ls -l files
#*********** Managing the boot process and scheduled processes
# cd ~/system-process
# cat create_crontab_file.yml
- name: Recurring cron job
hosts: webservers
become: true
- name: Crontab file exists
name: Add date and time to a file
minute: "*/2" <----- every 2 minutes
hour: 9-16
weekday: 1-5
job: data >> /home/devops/my_date_time_cron_job
cron_file: add-date-time
# make note of the cron job file, it will be referenced later
state: present
ansible-playbook create_crontab_file.yml --syntax-check
ansible-playbook create_crontab_file.yml
# verify the cron job file
ansible webservers -u devops -b -a "cat /etc/cron.d/add-date-time"
# "-b" become (escalation as root)
*/2 9-16 * * 1-5 devops date >> /home/devops/my_date_time_cron_job
# How to remove the cron job
# cat remove_cron_job.yml
- name: Remove scheduled cron job
hosts: webservers
become: true
- name: Cron job removed
name: Add date and time to a file
user: devops
cron_file: add-date-time
state: absent
#** Schedule a one time job ("at" module)
# cat schedule_at_task.yml
- name: Schedule at task "at"
hosts: webservers
become: true
become_user: devops
- name: Create data and time file
command: "date > ~/my_at_date_time\n"
count: 1
units: minutes <---- define the at job "1 minute"
unique: yes
state: present
The schedule will create a "at" job every minute,
sleep 60 <------ wait for 1 minute
ansible webservers -u devops -b -a "ls -l my_at_date_time"
# Verify the schedule at job file
The at job file will be created every minute
#******* create default boot target
- name: Change default boot target
hosts: webservers
become: true
- name: Default boot target is graphical
src: /usr/lib/systemd/system/graphical.target
dest: /etc/systemd/system/default.target <------- create this link file
state: link
# verify the default target
ansible webservers -u devops -b -a "systemctl get-default"
graphical.target <------ It change/set as graphical target
# Reboot the hosts, and verify the default graphical login is set
# cat reboot_hosts.yml
- name: Reboot hosts
hosts: webservers
become: true
- name: Hosts are rebooted
# verify
ansible webservers -u devops -b -a "who -b"
# verify when the system was last rebooted time
#*** Set default boot target to multi-user
# cat set_default_boot_target_multi-user.yml
- name: Change default runlevel target
hosts: webservers
become: true
- name: Default runlevel is multi-user target
src: /usr/lib/systemd/system/multi-user.target
dest: /etc/systemd/system/default.target
# undo the graphical target back to default multiuser
state: link
# ************* Managing storage
Parameter Description
align Configure partition alignment
device block device
flags Flags for the partition
number The partition number
part_end Partition sie from the beginning of the disk specified in the "parted" supported units
state Create or remove the partition
unit Size units for the partition
# create a new 10GB partition
- name: Create new 10GB partition
device: /dev/vdb
number: 1
state: present <-------- ensure the partition is available
part_end: 10GB
#*** lvg and lvol modules
"lvg" "lvol" modules support the creation of logical volumes,
including the configuration of physical volumes, and volume groups.
The "lvg" takes as parameters block device to configure as the back end physical volumes for the volume group.
lvg: logical virtual group
lvol: logical volume
Parameter Description
pezie The size of the physical extent. Must be the power of 2, or multiple of 128 KiB
pvs List of comma separated devices to be configured as physical volumes for the volume group
vg The name of the volume group
state Create or remove the volume
- name: Creates a volume group
lvg: vg-data <-------- logical group name "vg-data"
pvs: /dev/vda1 <-------- phsical volume for the volume group
pesize: 32 <--- physical extent size to "32"
- name: Resize a volume group
vg: vg-data
pvs: /dev/vdb1, /dev/vdc1
The "lvol" module creates logical volumes, and supports the resizing and shrinking of those volumes, and the filesystems for them.
The module also support
Parameter Description
lv The name of the logical volume
resizefs Resizes the filesystem with the logical volume
shrink Enable logical volume shrink
size The size of the logical volume
vg The parent volume group for the logical volume
# Create a logical volume of 2GB
- name: Create a logical volume of 2GB
vg: vg-data <------- virtual group
lv: lv-data <------ logical volume
size: 2g
# ********* The filesystem module
The filesystem module supports both creating and resizing a file system, for ext2, ext3, ext4, ext4dev, f2fs, lvm, xfs, and vfat
Parameter Description
dev block device name
fstype filesystem type
resizefs Grows the filesystem size to the size of the block device
# Create a filesystem on a partition
- name: Create an XFS filesystem
fstype: xfs
dev: /dev/vbd1
# ************** The mount module ********************
Parameter Description
path mount point path
src device to be mounted
state specify the mount status.
If set to "mounted", the system mounts the device, and configures /etc/fstab with that mount information.
To "umount" the device,
# Example mount a device with an specific ID
- name: Mount device with ID
path: /data <------------ mount point
src: UUID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <------------ mount the device with the required UUID
fstype: xfs
state: present
It mount the device to /data (mount point), and configure /etc/fstab accordingly
# mounty the NFS share available at (nfs) share directory at the managed hot.
- name: Mount NFS share
mount: name=/nfsshare src= fstype=nsfs opts=defaults, nobootwaitig dump=0 passno=2 state=mounted
#******** Configure swap with modules
RHEL engine does not currently include moduls to manage swap memory.
To add swap memory to a system with Ansible with logical volumes,
you need to create a new volume group and logical volume with lvg and lvol modules.
When ready, format the new logical volume using "command" module and "mkswap" command,
then need to activate the new swap device using command module with "swapon" command
Using "ansible_swaptotal_mb" variable to trigger swap configuration and enablement when swap memory is low.
# Create swap memory - volume group and logical volume
- name: Create new swap VG
lvg: vg=vgswap pvs/dev/vda1 <------ pvs physical volume
state: present
- name: Create new swap LV
lvol: vg=vgswap
lv: lvswap
size: 10g
- name: Format swap LV
comman: mkswap /dev/vgswap/lvswap
when: ansible_swaptotal_mb < 128
- name: Activate swap LV
command: swapon /dev/vgswap/lvswap
when: ansible_swaptotal_mb < 128
#*** Ansible FACTS for storage configuration
Ansible uses facts to retrieve information to the control node about the configuration of the managed hosts.
You can use the "setup" module to retrieve all the Ansible facts of the managed host.
ansible webservers -m setup # use Ansible "setup" module to retrieve all the Ansible facts
The "filter" option for the setup module supports fine-grained filtering based on shell-style wildcards
ansible webservers -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_devices'
# filter all storage devices, or dictionary called "ansible_devices"
ls ~/system-storage
# cat storage_vars.yml
- number: 1 <-------------- partition 1 will be created
start: 1MiB <--- look at Ansible module "unit" for storage
end: 257MiB
- name: apache-vg
devices: /dev/vdb1
- name: content-lv
size: 64M
vgroup: apache-vg
mount_path: /var/www
- name: logs-lv
size: 128M
vgroup: apache-vg
mount_path: /var/httpd
Then update storage_vars.yml, then run storage.yml again to see the changes
- number: 1 <-------------- partition 1 will be created
start: 1MiB <--- look at Ansible module "unit" for storage
end: 257MiB
- number: 2
start: 257MiB
end: 513MiB
- name: apache-vg
devices: /dev/vdb1, /dev/vdb2
- name: content-lv
size: 128M
vgroup: apache-vg
mount_path: /var/www
- name: logs-lv
size: 256M
vgroup: apache-vg
mount_path: /var/httpd
# cat storage.yml
- name: Ensure Apache storage configuration
hosts: webservers
- storage_vars.yml
- name: Correct partitions exist on /dev/vdb
device: /dev/vdb
state: present
number: "{{ item.number }}"
part_start: "{{ item.start }}"
part_end: "{{ item.end }}"
loop: "{{ partitons }}"
- name: Ensure volume group exist
vg: "{{ item.name }}"
pvs: "{{ item.devices }}"
loop: "{{ volume_groups }}"
- name: Create each logical volume (LV) if needed
vg: "{{ item.vgroup }}"
lv: "{{ item.name }}"
size: "{{ item.size }}"
loop: "{{ logical_volumes }}"
when: item.name not in ansible_lvm["lvs"]
# only create the logical volume when the volume not created
- name: Ensure xfs filesystem exists on each LV
dev: "/dev/{{ item.vgroup }}/{{ item.name }}"
fstype: xfs
loop: "{{ logical_volumes }}"
- name: Ensure the correct capacity for each LV
vg: "{{ item.vgroup }}"
lv: "{{ item.name }}"
size: "{{ item.size }}"
resizefs: yes
# xfs size can NOT be shrink, it will error out if size is smaller
force: yes
loop: "{{ logical_volumes }}"
- name: Each logical volume is mounted
path: "{{ item.mount_path }}"
src: "/dev/{{ item.vgroup "}}/{{ item.name }}"
fstype: xfs
opts: noatime <----- mount option, comma separated
state: mounted
# Verify storage
ansible all -a pvs
ansible all -a vgs
ansible all -a lvs
ansible all -a lsblk
#******************** Managing Network Configuration *******************
# System Roles
RHEL 8 includes a collection of system Ansible roles to configure RHEL.
"rhel-system-roles" package installs those system roles, including, such as time synchrnoization, networking.
# To view list of currently installed system roles
ansible-galaxy list
Roles are located in /usr/share/ansible/roles directory
A role beginning with "linux-system-roles" is a symlink to the matching "rhel-system-roles" role
The network system role supports the configuration of networking on managed hosts:
ethernet interfaces, bridge interfaces, bonded interfaces, VLAN interfaces, MAC vLAN interfaces, and infiniband interfaces
The "network_provider" variable configures the backend provider, either "nm" (NetworkManager), or initscripts
In RHEL 8, the netowrk role uses the "nm" (Network Manager) as the default networking provider.
The "initscripts" provider is used for RHEL 6, and requires "the network service" to be available.
The "network_connections" variable configures the different connections,
specified as a list of dictionaries, using the interface name as the connection name.
network_provider: nm
- name: ens4
type: ethernet
- name: eth0
persistent_state: present
type: ethernet
autoconnect: true
# automatically starts the connection at boot, this is the default value
mac: 00:00:5e:00:53:53
# It check the MAC address of the managed host, only the NIC with this MAC will be applied
zone: external
- name: NIC configuration
hosts: webservers
- name: ens4 <--------- ens4 profile
type: ethernet
- rhel-system-roles.network
You can specify variables for the network role with the "vars" clause,
or create a YAML file with those variables under the "group_vars" or "host_vars" directories,
depending on your use cases.
#*********** Configuring networking with modules
As an alternative, Ansible engine includes a collection of modules which support the network configuration on a system.
The "nmcli" module supports the management of both network connections and devices,
supports the configuration of both teaming and bonding for network interfaces,
as well as IPv4 and IPv6 addressing.
# nmcli module parameters
Parameter Description
conn_name Configures the connection name
autoconnect Enable automatic connection activation on boot
dns4 Configure DNS servers for IPv4 (up to 3)
gw4 Configure the IPv4 gateway for the interface
ifname Interface to be bound to the connection
ipv4 IP address (IPv4) for the interface
state Enables or disables the network interface
type Type of device or network connection
- name: NIC configuration
conn_name: ens4-conn
ifname: ens4
type: ethernet
state: present
All network interfaces for a managed host are available under the "ansible_interfaces" element.
Use "gather_subset=network" parameter for the setup module to restrict the facts to those included in the network subset.
The "filter" option for the setup module supports fine-gained filtering based on shell style wildcards.
ansible webservers -m setup \
-a 'gather_subset=network filter=ansible_interfaces'
You can retrieve additional information about the configuration
for a network interface with the "ansible_NIC_name" filter for the setup module.
# Retrieve the configuration for the "ens4" network interface.
ansible webservers -m setup \
-a 'gather_subset=network filter=ansible_ens4'
# verify ansible network roles installation
ansible-galaxy list # verify "linux-system-roles.network" and "rhel-systm-roles.network"
# Setup TCP/IP configuration
- name: eth0
type: eth0
route_metrics: 100
dhcp: no
#dhcp_send_hostname: no
route_metric6: -1 <------- why "-1"
auto6: no
gateway6: 2001:db8::1
# check documentation
less /usr/share/doc/rhel-system-roles/network/README.md
# cat group_vars/webservers/network.yml
- name: enp2s0
type: ethernet
# network configuration
- name: eth0
type: ethernet
route_metric4: 100
dhcp4: no
#dhcp4_send_hostname: no
- test.lab
- subdomain.test.lab
route_metric6: -1
auto6: no
gateway6: 2001:db8::1
# cat playbook.yml
- name: NIC Configuration
hosts: webservers
- rhel-system-roles.network
# verify result
ansible webservers -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_enp2s0'
# cat repo_playbook.yml
- name: Repository Configuration
hosts: webservers
- name: Esure example repo exists
name: example-internal
description: Example Inc. Internal Yum repo
file: example
baseurl: http://materials.test.lab/yum/repositroy
gpgcheck: true
- name: Ensure Repo RPM key is installed
key: http://materials.test.lab/yum/repository/RPM-GPG-KEY-example
state: present
- name: Install Example motd package
name: example-motd
state: present
# Create users
mkdir vars
vim vars/users_vars.yml
cat vars/users_vars.yml
- username: ops1
groups: webadmin
- username: ops2
groups: webadmin
# users.yml
- name: Create multiple local users
hosts: webservers
- vars/users_vars.yml
- name: Add webadmin group
name: webadmin
state: present
- name: Ceate user accounts
name: "{{ item.username }}"
groups: webadmin
loop: "{{ users }}"
# cat storage_vars.yml
- number: 1
start: 1MiB
end: 257MiB
- name: apache-vg
devices: /dev/vdb1
- name: content-lv
size: 64M
vgroup: apache-vg
mount_path: /var/www
- name: logs-lv
sie: 128M
vgroup: apache-vg
mount_path: /var/log/httpd
- name: Ensure Apache storage configuration
hosts: webservers
- storage_vars.yml
- name: Correct partitions exist on /dev/vdb
device: /dev/vdb
state: present
number: "{{ item.number }}"
part_start: "{{ item.start }}"
part_end: "{{ item.end }}"
loop: "{{ partitions }}"
- name: Ensure volume groups exist
vg: "{{ item.name }}"
pvs: "{{ item.devices }}"
loop: "{{ volume_groups }}"
- name: Create each logical volume (LV) if needed
vg: "{{ item.vgroup }}"
lv: "{{ item.name }}"
size: "{{ item.size }}"
loop: "{{ logical_volumes }}"
- name: Esure XFS filesystem exists on each LV
dev: "/dev/{{ item.vgroup }}/{{ item.name }}"
fstype: xfs
loop: "{{ logical_volumes }}"
- name: Ensure the correct capacity for each LV
vg: "{{ item.vgroup }}"
lv: "{{ item.name }}"
size: "{{ item.sized }}"
resizefs: true
loop: "{{ logical_volumes }}"
- name: Ensure logical volume is mounted
path: "{{ item.mount_path }}"
src: "/dev/{{ item.vgroup }}/{{ item.name }}"
fstype: xfs
state: mount
loop: "{{ logical_volumes }}"
# Create_crontab_file.yml
- name: Recurring cron job
hosts: webservers
become: true
- name: Crontab file exists
name: Add date and time to a file
minute: "*/2"
hour: 9-16
weekday: 1-5
job: df >> /home/devops/disk_usage
cron_file: disk_usage
state: present
ansible-galaxy list # verify network roles installed
# network_playbook.yml
- name: NIC configuration
hosts: webservers
- rhel-system-roles.network
mkdir -pv group_vars/webservers
# cat group_vars/webservers/network.yml
- name: enp2s0
type: ethernet
# cat ftpclient.yml
- name: Ensure FTP client configuration
hosts: ftpclients
- name: latest version of lftp is installed
name: lftp
state: latest
# ansible-vsftpd.yml
- name: FTP server is installed
hosts: ftpservers
- vars/default-template.yml
- vars/vars.yml
- name: Packages are installed
name: "{{ vsftpd_package }}"
state: present
- name: Ensure service is started
name: "{{ vsftpd_service }}"
state: started
enabled: true
- name: Configuration file is installed
src: templates/vsftpd.conf.j2
dest: "{{ vsftpd_config_file }}"
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0600
setype: etc_t
notify: restart vsftpd
- name: firewalld is installed
name: firewalld
state: present
- name: firewalld is started and enabled
name: firewalld
state: started
enabled: true
- name: FTP port is open
service: ftp
permanent: true
state: enabled
immediate: yes
- name: FTP passive data port is open
port: 21000-21020/tcp
permanent: true
state: enbled
immediate: yes
- name: restart vsftpd
name: "{{ vsftpd_service }}"
state: restarted
# cat site.yml
# FTP server playbook
- import_playbook: ansible-vsftpd.yml
$ FTP client playbook
- import_playbook: ftpclients.yml
#***************** more example
# cat ansible.cfg
inventory=inventory/ # inventory is pointing to a "inventory" directory
# ansible-inventory --list all
"_meta": {
"hostvars": {
"servera.test.lab": {},
"serverb.test.lab": {},
"serverc.test.lab": {},
"serverd.test.lab": {}
"all": {
"children": [
"ftpclients": {
"hosts": [
"ftpservers": {
"hosts": [
# Convert ansible playbook to role
mkdir -v roles
cd roles/
ansible-galaxy init ansible-vsftpd
# using Ansible galaxy to create initial role, it will create the directories and initial files
mv -v default-template.yml roles/ansible-vsftpd/defaults/main.yml
mv -v vars.yml roles/ansible-vsftpd/vars/main.yml
mv -v vsftpd.conf.j2 roles/ansible-vsftpd/templates/
- name: Install and configure vsftpd
hosts: ftpservers
vsftpd_anon_root: /mnt/share/
vsftpd_local_root: /mnt/share/
- ansible-vsftpd
- name: /dev/vdb1 is partitioned
command: >
parted -- script /dev/vdb mklabel gpt mkpart primary 1MiB 100%
creates: /dev/vdb1
- name: XFS file system exists on /dev/vdb1
dev: /dev/vdb1
fstype: xfs
force: yes
- name: anon_root mount point exists
path: '{{ vsftpd_anon_root }}'
state: directory
- name: /dev/vdb1 is mounted on anon_root
name: '{{ vsftpd_anon_root }}'
src: /dev/vdb1
fstype: xfs
state: mounted
dump: '1'
passno: '2'
notify: restart vsftpd
- name: Make sure permissions on mounted fs are correct
path: '{{ vsftpd_anon_root }}'
owner: root
group: root
mode: '0755'
setype: "{{ vsftpd_setype }}"
state: directory
- name: Copy README to the ftp anon_root
dest: '{{ vsftpd_anon_root }}/README'
content: "Welcome to the FTP server at {{ ansible_fqdn }}\n"
setype: '{{ vsftpd_setype }}'
# cat site.ymo
# FTP servers playbook
- import_playbook: vsftp-configur.yml
# FTP client playbook
- import_playbook: ftpclients.yml
#************************** Automating Linux administration tasks
Task: subscribe systems, configure software channels and repositories, and manage RPM packages on managed hosts
ansible-doc yum # verify parameters and playbook examples
# Install multiple packages
- name: Install the required packages on the web server
hosts: servera.test.lab
- name: Install the packages
- httpd
- mod_ssl
- httpd-tools
state: present <--------- latest, absent
# Gathering facts about the installed packages
"package_facts" module collects the installed package details on managed hosts.
It sets the ansible_facts.packages variable with the package details.
- name: Display installed packages
hosts: servera.test.lab
- name: Gather info on installed packages
manager: auto <------ using the package manager automatically, in RHEL 8 is yum
- name: List installed packages
var: ansible_facts.packages
- name: Display Network Manager version
msg: "Version {{ ansible_facts.packages['NetworkManager'][0].version }}"
when: "'NetwworkManger' in ansible_facts.packages"
- name: Install the required packages on the web servers
hosts: webservers
- name: Install httpd on RHEL
name: httpd
state: present
when: "ansible_distribution == 'RedHat'"
- name: Install httpd on Fedora
name: httpd
state: present
when: "ansible_distribution == 'Fedora'"
# Access Red Hat CDN - Content Delivey Network
- name: Playbook to access the Red Hat CDN
hosts: servera.test.lab
cdn_username: <----------- store the sensible password in ansible vault
- rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms
- rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-debug-rpms
- block:
- name: Register the server
username: "{{ cdn_usename }}"
password: "{{ cdn_password }}"
auto_attached: true
- name: Disable all repositories
name: '*'
state: disabled
- name: Enable core RHEL repositories
name: "{{ repos }}" <------------- Refer to the variable "repos"
state: enabled
- cdn_username: != ""
# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/rhel_dvd.repo
baseurl = http://content.test.lab/rhel8.0/x86_64/dvd/BaseOS
enable = true
gpgcheck = false
name = Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0 BaseOS (dvd)
baseurl = http://content.test.lab/rhel8.0/x86_64/dvd/AppStream
enable = true
gpgcheck = false
name = Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0 AppStream (dvd)
- name: Enable external repository
hosts: servera.test.lab
repo_name: baseos_repository
repo_url: http://content.test.lab/rhel8.0/x86_64/dvd/BaseOS
repo_enabled: true
repo_gpgcheck: false
repo_desc: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0 BaseOS (dvd)
- name: Define "{{ repo-name }}"
file: "{{ repo_name }}"
name: "{{ repo_name }}"
description: "{{ repo_desc }}"
baseurl: "{{ repo_url }}"
gpgcheck: "{{ repo_gpgcheck }}"
enabled: "{{ repo_enabled }}"
state: present
#************ Schedule with the "at" module
Quick one-time scheduling is done with the "at" module.
You create the job for a future time to run and it is held until that time comes to execute.
The parameters
Parameter Options Comments
command null a command that is schedule to run
count null The count of units (must run with units)
script_file null An existing script file to be executed in the future
state absent, present The state adds or removes a command or script
unique yes, no If a job is already running, it will not be executed again
units min/hours/days/weeks The time denominations
- name: Remove tempuser
command: userdel -r tempuser
count: 20
units: minutes
unique: yes
- name: Flush Bolt
user: "root"
minutes: 45
hour: 11
job: "php ./app/nut cache:clear"
# ******* cron module
The parameters
Parameter Options Comments
special_time reboot, yearly, a set of reoccurring times
annually, monthly
weekly, daily
state absent, present "present" - create
"absent" - remove
cron_file null If there is a large banks of servers to maintain
then, it is better to have a pre-written crontab file
backup yes, no Back up the crontab file prior to being edited
# ********** systemd and service modules
For managing "services" or reloading "daemons", Ansible has the "systemd" and "service" modules.
Service offers a basic set of options: start, stop, restart, enable
The "systemd" offers more configuration option, and allows daemon reload where the service module will not
The init daemon is being replaced by systemd. So in a lot of cases systemd will be better option
# ********* The "reboot" module
Considered safer than using the shell module to initiate shutdown.
- name: Reboot after patching
reboot_timeout: 180 <------ 180 seconds
- name: Force a quick reboot
reboot: <------ not time specified
************ "wait for " module
#*********** The "shell" and "command" module
The command module is consider more secure but some environment variables are not available, also the "stream" operators will not work.
Then, shell module will need to be use.
# Shell module example
- name: Run a templated variable (always use quote filter to avoid injection)
shell: cat {{ myfile|quote }}
To sanitize any variables, it is suggested that you use "{{ var | quot }}", instead of just "{{ var }}"
# The command module
- name: The command example
command: /usr/bin/scrape_logs.py arg1 arg2
chdir: scripts/
creates: /path/to/script
#** environment variable
"ansible_env" has the environment variables inside it
- name: Environment
hosts: webservers
local_shell: "{{ ansible_env }}" <-- create a variable namely "local_shell" and it has the value of "ansible_env"
- name: Printing all the environment variables in Ansible
msg: "{{ local_shell }}"
Note: You can isolate the variable you want to return by using the lookup plugin.
msg: "{{ lookup('env', 'USER', 'HOME', 'SHELL') }}"
- name: Scheule at task
hosts: webservers
become: true
become_user: devops
- name: Create date and time file
command: "date > ~/my_at_date_time\n"
count: 1
units: minutes
unique: yes
state: present
ansible sudoer file
# ansible playbook requires ansible user ssh without password
# create ansible sudoers file
0600 /etc/sudoers.d/ansible # create sudoers file namely "ansible"
# Create ansible playbook sudoer
Ansible Utilities for Operational State Management and Remediation
Comparing the current operational state of your IT infrastructure to your desired state is a common use case for IT automation. This allows automation users to identify drift or problem scenarios to take corrective actions and even proactively identify and solve problems.
How to write ansible module
Ensure that a similar module doesn’t exist to avoid unnecessary work. Αdditionally, you might be able to combine different modules to achieve the functionality you need. In this case, you might be able to replicate the behavior you want by creating a role that leverages other modules. Another option is to use plugins to enhance Ansible’s basic functionality with logic and new features accessible to all modules.