Published on

Red Hat Satellite

  • Name
    Jackson Chen

Red hat Satellite

Redhat Satellite
Red Hat content network (Red Hat internet) -> Red Hat Satellite (on-prem)

1. manifest
manifest file to manage the license
create a manifest for each organization or department/team

Each satellite has an integrated capsule

# Red Hat satellite Capsule Servers
Have a RHEL satellite capsule server at each location, similar to SCCM DP server
-> subscription Allocations
a. Create the manifest file
Create a new subscription allocation

and select ansible
Choose the available amount

-> Export Manifest
download and upload to the on-prem satellite server

# Content iso (for offline / secure network)
- Base (base content iso)
- Incremental content (update every 6 weeks)

We need to have a satellite server that will have internet connection, it will download the contents

Then it will delivery to the secure network 
Web server (on-prem) that will host the content on site

## RHEL document

# Satellite server specification
4 core
20 GB
4 GB swap

# time sync

/var   logical volume, scalable, usng SSD and NVMe
# ******** suggestion, using logical volume for the following
/var/cache/pulp     # initial download location 20GB
Then migrate to /var/lib/pulp   300GB   <------- size depending on the products that you have

/var/lib/mongodb/   50GB

/var/lib/pgsql      postgrep sql

# ssh to satellite servet
free -m     # verify free memory

lsblk       # verify disk

cat /etc/*-release  # check version and OS

firewall-cmd --add-service RH-Satellite-6   # allow in firewall

!! --permanent  (!! is the previous command)

cat /user/lib/firewalld/srvices/RH-Satellite-6.xml  #verify the firewall ports required

subscription-manager status # verify registery, if offline secure network

1. register
2. attach to satellite pool
3. disable all repos
4. enable necessary repos
5. yum update
6. install satellite packages, dependecies will be taken care off
    yum install satellite

foreman-rake permissions:reset      # 
    reset admin password
google chrome or firefox supported from satellite managment console

# access
user: admin
pwd:  password from   foreman-rake reset

Then change after login to satellite -> administer -> 

#*********** Verify the installation
ssh to satellite sever
    lab deploy-intall sart
ctrl + shift (open new tab)

satellite-maintain service list
satellite-maintain health check
firewall-cmd --list-all

systemctl status chronyd    # verify start status
chronyc sources # verify source

ping -cl localhost  # ping locally
ping -cl
host  # reverse lookup
lab deploy-install  # clean up the lab

# login to satellite (https://.....)    <----------------- import the license manifest file
Content -> Subscriptions
    upload the manifest (import a Manifest)

# ****************** configure organisation and content *************
lab deploy-organizations start

# create new organization   <------- login to the web client

# *********
Default Organization
    -> New organization
Default Location

Content -> Organization -> add organization

Create new organization and location

Administer -> location -> new location
    *Note Can create nested location

Capsules    (could have multiple capsules for the satellite)

# access the website

1. download the manifest file

the upload the manifest (select the right contest - organization and location)

# change the cdn.rhe.. to the local cdn
click "Manage manifes"
    Red Hat CDN URL
    -> change to   (on-prem location for the content)

Note: This is per organization manifest

# How to verify
Command line tool:
1. ssh to satellite server
    hammer organization list
hammer --output jason organization list     # output in json format

hammer l <tab>  
hammer location list
hammer location list --organization Operations

# back to web console
go to the organzation, edit
 Loation    -> select the location

# back to command line
hammer location list --organization list

# in Gui
Navigate to "Hosts"

Change to "Any organziation" and location, it will show the satelite server
select the statellite server, and assign to the organization and location

Now, when select the required organization and location, it will now show the satellite server is now associated with the rquried organization and location

Note: to clean up the lab
#************ Synchronize RedHat Content *****************
Satellite Server (similar to WSUS server)
   It pull the content from CDN (content delivery network)

The satellite client will download the content from satellite server

# Sync plan (policies)
 on demand

# Synchronize Redhat content
We have define the product, we are using our on-prem satellite server

lab lifecycles-sync start   # prepare the lab

# On web console
Verify the required organization    # important to select the right organization

Content -> Red hat Repositories
Administer -> Settings -> Content
Select the repository, and click "+" to enable the repository

du -sh /var/cache/pulp
du -sh /var/lib/pulp    # It will grow when we sync the content

content -> sync status

# from command line
hammer repository list  # list all the registered repos
hammer repository synchronize --id 5    # sync id 5 repo content, verify your environment

watch !!    (!! reference the previous command)

# set up sync plan
GUI -> content 
    Create Sync plan
    Interval "custom cron"
    15 18 * * *
Select Products tab, click Add, and search the product to sync

lab lifecyle-finish  # clean up the lab

# ************* Create software lifecycle **************
Satellite server
    - library   (it has library, all the softwares and repo)

DEV -> UAT -> Prod server

We then create software lifecycle, DEV -> UAT -> PROD  (promote the software to lifecycle, and test them)

Navigate to satellite GUI console
Content -> lifecycle Environment
  click Create Environment
    a. Name
    b. Label
    c. Description

We could use GUI, hammer and APi to manage satellite
hammer lifecycle-environment list
hammer lifecycle-environment list --organization Operations
hammer lifecycle-environment create --organization Operations --name Production --label Production --description Production --prior UAT

# verify
hammer lifecycle-environment list --organization Operations

#************* Publishing and promoting content views **************
In satellite GYI
Content -> verify lifecycle environment
content -> content views
    create new view
        click "solve dependencies"
        choose repos and add the repository
        Publish New Version (publish the new version)
                Add description, such as initial content view with BaseOS repository

        This will publish the content to the library

    Click Promote
        Select the lifecycle environment, such as DEV, UAT and PROD

    Yum Content -> Repository
        Add (tab), and add other repositories
        click Publish New Version
            Version 2
            Description: Add AppStream, satellite Tools

#********************* registrying hosts / client to satellite server ***********
1. manually registry hosts
satellite server ----> get content from on-prem CDN

client ----> will be client to get content from satellite server (register with satellite)
    install client (similar to SCCM client)
        kickstart or image as part of the installation (install the client)

# make ssh connection to serverA (ctrl+shift+T open new tab)
subscription-manager status (no register)
subscription-manager register   #verify registry status
yum localinstall -y  # install satellite client/package
    7.2 KB

subscription-manager register --org Operations --environment Development/Base
Username: admin
Password: redhat

The serverA is now register with satellite

subscription-manager status # verify status

Hosts -> Content Hosts -> Release version (select the content host content version)
Hosts -> Subscriptions
    Add (this will sunsume 1 subscription license)

subscription-manager refresh
subscription-manager status

# manually register is not scalable

#*************** Managing hosts with host collection ****************
create a group, and grant group access to resouce, then add the users to the group

create content host group / collection
    Add the hosts (clients) to the content host group

Hosts -> Host Collection
    Create Host collection

Add serverA to the host collection
Hosts -> Host Collections -> OpsServers (collection), and then select the client/host to the collection

    there are different options for the collectoins

# *************** automating content hosts
Activation key

It specifies the information that hosts will need to have, the clients will inherite all the information
    release version
    lifecycle environment

GUI (sate)
    Content -> Activation key
        Create new Activation Key
            Name: Operation servers
            Unlimited hosts (select)
            Select the environment
            Select the content view

        Release version
            Add, and select the product, add selected
        Host collections
        Repository Sets
            Then enable activation key
ssh to serverA
    subscription-manager status
    subscription-manager repos --list
    subscription-manager register --org-"Operations" --activiationkey="OpsServers"  --force     # force it register with acgtion key

    Content -> Base
    content -> activation keys -> OperationServers -> selecgt environment "UAT"

Back to ssh to serverA
    force to registration with activation key

    subscription-manager repos --list

# install agent
yum localinstall -y  # install satellite client/package

    Hosts -> Content Hosts
    before ServerA has agent installed, we can push to the ServerA

#******* registering hosts
serverb> yum localinstall -y

subscription-manager status

#************ Deploy content to host
Software view

DEV -> UAT -> PROD for software lifecycle

SDN --> satellite [library - content library] --> DEV -> UAT -> PROD

# *************** Controlling software with content view
satellite GUI
    In Operations organization
Content -> Content View
Hosts -> Content Hosts
ssh to servera
    ctl+shift+t  (new tab)

subscription-manager repos --list

yum install -y ant  #intall software

ssh to serverc
    ssh root@serverc

subscripton-manager status
install satellite agent
    yum localinstall -y http://......   /katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm

subscription-manager --org Operatoins --environment Development/Base    # register the computer

Backup to GUI 
    Hosts -> Content Hosts
         select serverc 
            Details tab
                select Release version
                clikck Add
                    select and add the subscription

ssh to satellite server
    subscriptoin-manager refresh

ssh to serverc
    subscription-manager repos --list
    yum install -y ant  # failed, as the repo is not associate with serverc

#*************** Create content view folders ****************
playbook - ansible

RHSA    security update
RHBA    bug fix
RHEA    improvement (enhancements)

filter only install RHSA

Composite Content View
        - BaseOS
        - AppStream
        - Satellite Tools
        - ansible 2.8
      Operations Software  (other vendor softwares)
        - repo1
        - repo2

software filter
    Content -> Red Hat Repostories
        available:   name ~ ansible
        click + to eanble the repository
        We need to get the content from CDN

        select the content and sync the content
    content -> Sync plan
        select the sync plan -> product, select the product and add to the sync plan
    Create a content view
        Content -> Content view -> Create New view
            Name: Ansible
            Select associate denpdencies
            Repository selection
                Select the product
                    Yum Content
                        name: Anisble-older-2.8.4
                        Content type
                        Inclusion type
                            Exclude ansible older than 2.8.4
                    RPM nam
                        ansible     version (less than) 2.8.4

                Note: This will filter ansible older than 2.8.4

                The Puslish New Version
                        Initial publish of Ansible repository with exclusion filter only allowing Ansible 2.8.4 and newer

                then Promote to the environment
                    Select "UAT"

We can only have on content view assicated with the content host

Solution: usign composite view
    Create new Content view
        Add all the required content view, Add Content View
        Publish New version
        Content View tab
    After create the composite content view
    promote the content view

ssh to serverc
    subscription-manager clean
    subscripton-manager --org operations --envrionment Development/BaseAnsiblecomposite

Verify satellite GUI
    Hosts -> content hosts -> selet serverc  
            click Add, and add the subscription (it will consume on subscription)

# ssh to serverc
subscription-manager repos --enable=<repo-id>
yum search ansible --showduplicates

# ***************** Apply errata to hosts
Managing errata using ansible

Content -> Errata

All Repositories
        type = security     # only show security errata
        package_name ~ant   # show errata only applicable to ansible

#************Managing and applying errata to hosts
satellite GUI

content -> content view 
    select the required content view
        select Yum Content
            Add new yum filter
                content type
                    Erratum - Date and type
                Inclusion type
                    Excludign non-security errata older than date
                Erratum Data Range
                    select the date
        After create the content view, the publish the new version

Hosts -> Content Hosts
Content -> Errata
ssh to servera
    rpm -q katello-agent

Hosts -> content Hosts
    Select servera
        -> Errata tab
        installable Erratal, and search for the required errata, and click Apply selected errata

ssh to servera
    yum history info    # It shows the package installation history

# **************** manage software module stream - collection of packages ********
they are install and remove as a unit

Example: perl (module)
    it has different stream, only one version is applied or installed

yum install @   # stream

    content -> content view
        select the required content view
        select module stream
            it will show all the module stream

ssh to serverc
    yum module list container-tools
    yum module install containter-tools:rhel8

#******************* Install customs software and yum repository **************
creating a customs product
    create a repository

Ensure you are in Operations organization in satellite GUI

Cntent -> Product
    SSL Cet

Content -> Custom Software
    New Repository
    type:   yum

After creating the repository, select and upload the packages
    You could change information about the repository

#**************** Create product using reposotry discovery
It could fetch the remote repository and populate the local repository

Repo discovery

Content -> Repository Discovery
    Repository Type
        Yum Repositories
    URL to discover

    Select the required repositories
    Create Repository

Content -> Sync Status
Content -> Sync Plan
        Add the new content/product to the sync plan

#****************** GPG public and private key
gpg     private (sign)
    public (veify)

sudo yum install -y rpm-sign gpg
sudo rngd -r /dev/urandom
gpg --fulll-generate-key    # generate private/public key pair
gpg --list-keys
gpg --fingerprint
gpg --armor --export > my_gpg_key    # contain the public key

wget http://.......... .rpm
echo '%_gpg_name' > ~/.rpmmacros
rpm --resign hwinfo-1.0-1.e1....rpm
rpm --import ../my_gpg_key  # sign the public key
sudo !!     (run the previous command)

rpm --checksig  hw.....rpm  # verify the rpm signature sign

#************ administering customs product and repository **********
Content -> content credentials
    Create content credential
        Type: gpg key
        upload the key
Content -> Product
    customs Software
        select the requird repo, and navigate to GPG key, and select the uploaded "content credential / gpg key"

Content -> Activation Key
    select the key
        Repository Sets
Content -> Content views
    select the require content view, and add the new version after we add the custom repository
    Then publish New version
    Promote to the required environment

Content -> Activation keys
    select OperationServer and 

ssh to servera
    subscription-manager status

Back to servera from satellite, and they register servera with the gpg key
subscription-manager register --org-"Operations" --activiationkey="OpsServers"  --force

#************** Deploy capsule server
    same hardware and software requirement for capsule server, and port numbers
Dedicated capsule server **

using yum to install capsule server

generate cert tarball from satellite, and copy to capsule server and install capsule server
    load balancing satellite server (similar to SCCM DP)

1. register the capsule server as client to satellite server
python # show how to use it

wget http://sate..../
python --login=admin --organization=Operation bootstrap xxx

cat /usr/lib/firwalld/services/RH-satellite-6.xml   # list all the ports required

firewall-cmd --add-service RH...6  --permanent
firewall-cmd --add-port=8443/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload

subscription-manager repos --list

rhel-.....-capsule.rpm  # capsule install rpm
mkdir -pv /root/capsule_ssl # need to generate from satellite server

satel> capsule-certs-generate --foreman-proxy-fqdn ..............
    cp the ssl tarball to capsule server

cap> yum install -y capsule..rpm

ctrl+shift-c    copy
ctrl+shift-v    paste

# In Sate GUI
infrastructure -> Capsule
    change to any organization and any location
    change location / add require location

#********* configure capsule server
sate gui
    Infrastrucure -> capsules

ssh root@capsule
yum install -y pulp-

grep default_password /etc/pulp/server.conf

pulp-admin -u admin -p xxxx repo list

#********** publishing content to capsule server
sate  /var/lib/pulp

cap /var/lib/pulp       (it will host the repo, sync from sat)

du -sh /var/lib/pulp

in Sat GUI
infras -> capsules, select the cap server
    click Edit, and add the required lifecycle environment
    Then, click Synchronize -> optimized sync

ssh root@cap...
pulp-admin -u admin -p xxxx repo list

#**************** remote management
managed host (hosts managed by satellite server) tcp 22

satellite       capsule (ssh, ansible, puppet) 
                3 ways to install sat public key to the managed hosts  
                1. ssh-copy-id
                2. kickstart download
                3. provisioning template    

clients (accessible on tcp 22)  (ensure sat public key installed on managed hosts)

roote@cap  hammer job-template list | grep -i "Run Command"
hammer job-template info --id 129

root@sat>  hammer job-invocation list

sat GUI
    Host -> job templates
    name ~ run command  (search)    name contains

#************** config remote execution
ssh root@cap
ssh-copy-id -i ~foreman-proxy/.ssh/     # works for few system

ssh root@satellite
ssh-copy-id -i ~for

sat gui
    hosts  -> hosts
        select servera
            schedule job    (job invocation)
                job category:   Commands
                Job template
                Schedule: execute now

ssh to sat
    hammer job-invocation create --job-template "Run command - SSH Defalt" --search-query "name =..." --input command="uptme; hostname; whoami"
    hammer job-invocation list

Host -> all hosts
    select the required host
        action -> schedule remote job
        job category:   Ansible commands
        job template: run command - Ansible default
        Schedule: execute now
    Note: anisble provide better output

    We can use "hammer" to create Ansible job   # Ansible play book -> yaml file

hammer job-invocation output --id 2 --host

ssh student@servera

#************** configure Ansible Remote Execution
root@sat#  ansible-galaxy init rgdaxx --init...

tree -F /var/tmp/<dir>
    main.yml    # default variable and value
    /defaults/main.yml  # expect user to enter value
    /var/main.yml   # developer variables and vaules

galaxy ansible  

ls -l /etc/ansible/roles        # ensure roles are installed in this folder
yum install -y rhel-system-roles

  rhel-system-roles.timesync        # 

ssh root@capsule
root@capsule# ssh-copy-id -i ~foreman-proxy/.ssh/

# Verify serverb is associate with environment
Hosts -> All Hosts

ssh root@severb
    yum update -y

sate gui
    Hosts -> All Hosts
        Select the host -> Action -> Schedule Remote job
            Job category
            Job template

Infr -> capsule
    select the capsule

#********************* Run remote execution
root@sate# tar xf apache-setup-role.tgz
cp -R apache-setup-role /etc/ansible/roles

sat gui
    configre -> roles
        import the role

#************** Provisioning host / build RHEL ***************
anaconda -> interactive installation

Kickstart -> auto installation
    Kickstart files
        - provisioning file (Using provisioning templates)
            base rpm and appstream
            - PXE
                PXE kickstart template
        - pxelinux
            pxe client --> discover dhcp server
            pxe -> dhcp server
        - finish (templates)
        - userdata (templates)
        - partitioning (templates)

    satellite (hosting installation file, tftp server)
        - web server (images)
        - tftp server (pxe boot)

sat GUI
    - Organization -> Operations

Content -> Red Hat Repositories
        Select Kickstart
        a.  search  " name ~ BaseOS"
            enable this repository
        b. enable AppStream repository

    Content -> Sync Status
            Ensure "....kickstart..." select and sync

then, look at the templates
    Host -> provisiong Templates
        clone and make changes to the clone template (kind = PXELinux)  -> kickstart default PXELinux   (using embeded oobe)
        kind = provision
            kickstart default
    Host -> Partition tables
        kickstart default

After select the above 3 templates, we will then be able to build RHEL

#****** preparing network for provisioning
    capsule server (for provisioning) 
            - dhcpd (subnet object)
            - bind (zone object)
        satellite - installer command (to add and remove feature)
            - add provisiong feature

ssh root@capsule
    cat satellite-installer-example.txt
        satellite-installer --scenario capsule --foreman-proxy-dns true --foreman-proxy-dns-interface eth0 --foreman-proxy-dns-forwarders x.x.x.x 
            --foreman-proxy-dns-zone --foreman-proxy-dhcp true --foreman-proxy-dhcp-interface eth0 --foreman-proxy-dhcp-range "x.x.x.200 x.x.x.220"
            --foreman-proxy-dhcp-nameservers y.y.y.y --foreman-proxy-dhcp-gateway y.y.y.z --foreman-proxy-tftp true

    bash satellite-installer-example.txt

Infrastructure -> Subnets
    -> capsule
        - select the capsule, and import subnet

    - define host   $<MAC>
    FDI (foreman discovery interface)
Host Group

#*** host provisioning

GUI -> Hosts -> Host Group  (define and create new host group)  <---------------------- create host group
    Hosts -> create host        <------------------ create the host
            Name: serverh
            Host group: select the predefined host group
            Interface: edit, need to specify the MAC address (the new VM)
After create the host from satellite GUI (or using hammer), verify the pxelinux file
    root@capsule# ls -l /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/
        Note: There are two files
        a)  01-52-54-00-00-fa-0e    # example of the pxelinux file with "MAC" as the file name
        b)  01-52-54-00-00-fa-0e.ipxe   
          cat /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/01-52-54-00-00-fa-0e
            # This file was deployed via 'kickstart default PXELinux' template  <------- it automatically populates

Then, pxe boot the system
    it will build the new RHEL server

ssh to satellite server, and install the following two packages (rpm)
    yum install -y foreman-discovery-image rubygem-smart_proxy_discovery

then run satellite-installer and enable foreman plugin
    satellite-installer --scenario capsule --enable-foreman-proxy-plugin-discovery
    satellite-maintain service restart

Then login to sate gui
infrastructure -> subnets
    select the requured subnet and verify capsule

then clone
    PXELinux global default -> Lab PXELinux global default
    pxelinux_discovery  -> Lab_pxelinux_discovery
        modify the file

then navigate to
Administer -> Settings -> Provisiong tab    
        select "Global default PXELinux template" and change to "Lab PXELinux global default"
          Settigns -> discovery tab
            Select "Discovery location", select the location
          Settings -> Provisioning Templates
            select "Build PXE Default"

#******************************* Managing RHEL satellite API - Query RHEL satellite API ****************
    - web console
    - hammer
    - json / curl (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) / ruby / ansible / python

    curl -s --request GET --user admin:redhat | python -m json.tool | grep '"name".*'
    curl -s --request GET --user admin:redhat | python -m json.tool | grep -A2 '"id":'     # grep two lines after id
                                                         | grep -m1 "id"        # find the 1st match

        pyton -m json.tool      # format the output using json

#**************** integrating satellite function 
mkdir -pv bin

Administer -> Settings -> Default Repostiry download policy

Content -> Red Hat Repositories
    name ~ baseos   # search
        click +     # enable button
    name ~ appstream
        click +     # enable button
    name ~ satellite tools
        click +     # enable

Content -> sync status
    select the repositories, and click Sync
        better to use sync plan

# sate server
    du -sh /var/cache/pulp

    hammer repository list
        # verify ID
    hammer repository synchronize --id 5    # select the required repository id, it will inherit the default download policy
    du -sh /var/cache/pulp
    watch !!    # watch the last command
    du -sh /var/lib/pulp

Create sync plan
    Red Hat Product sync
        # Interval  -> Customs Cron 15 18 * * * # at 18:15, it will sync
        click Add tab
            Select the products

#*********** Using Hammer as an API
output -> csv, yaml, json

hammer support command completion (tab)
    Hammer CLI Guide    (version 6.6)
    Hammer CLI Cheat Sheet

cat .hammer/cli.modules.d/foreman.yml

hammer --debug  # see debug

hammer organization create --name SecOps --description 'name'
hammer host-collection create --name xx --organzation xx

hammer user create --login SeccOpsAdmin --password xx --mail xxx@xxx --auth-source-id 1 --organization SecOps
hammer user-group create --name SecOpersors --organization SecOps
hammer add-role --login Secopadmin --role 'xx'

hammer lifecycle-environment update --name xxx --organization 'xx' --description 'xxx'

#***************** Running satellite on cloud platform

#************ Managing hosts within cloud provider

# ************* maintenance
Administer -> Roles (RABC)
    name ~ admin

#********* Backup and restore
du -sh /var/lib/mongodb \       # \ to continue 

satellite-maintain backkup

#***********maintain satellite databse
cat /etc/cron.d/foreman-

hammer audit list | wc -l
hammer audit:exire days=<num-days>  # clean up purge

systemctl stop goferd httpd pulp_workers pulp_celerybeat pulp_resource_manager pulp_streamer

mongo pulp_database --eval 'db.stats()'

mongo pulp_database --eval 'db.stats()'

#************** Exporting and importing content view (moving between different organization, or between different satellite servers)
Content view - immediate, no mirror on sync
    Content View must have same name


#***** commands
hammer repository list --organization Operations | grep BaseOS
Note the output:
    Mirror on sync: yes
    Download Policy: on_demand

hammer repository update --id <repository id> --organization Operations --mirror-on-sync no
hammer repository update --id <id> --organization Operations --download-policy immediate

hammer repository info --id <id> --organization Operations | grep -E "Mirror on Sync|Download Policy"
    Mirror on sync: No
    Download Policy: immediate

hammer content-view version list --organiation Operations

hammer content-viwe version export --export-dir /var/tmp --id <id>

hammer content-view version republish-repositories --content-view-id <id> --version <number>    # to fix issue

hammer content-view version export --export-dir /var/tmp --id <id-num>

ls -hl /var/tmp/export-base-1.0.tar

tar xf export-base-1.0.tar | head -10

RHEL 7.9 & Satellite 6.10 Implementation and Troubleshooting

# System Requirements
CPU:    min 4
Memory: min 20GB
RHEL:   The latest version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server
Satellite: v6.10
Domain Name: Full forward and reverse DNS resolution using a fully-qualified domain name
Host Name: A unique host name, which can contain lower-case letters, numbers, dots (.) and hyphens (-)

# SELinux Mode
SELinux must be enabled, either in enforcing or permissive mode. Installation with disabled SELinux is not supported.

# Storage Requirement
Directory              Runtime Size
/var/log                10GB
/var/opt/rh/rh-postgresql12/lib/pgsql   20GB
/var/lib/pulp/          300GB

#********** Storage Guidelines
1. If you mount the /tmp directory as a separate file system, you must use the exec mount option in the /etc/fstab file. 
If /tmp is already mounted with the noexec option, you must change the option to exec and re-mount the file system. 
This is a requirement for the puppetserver service to work.
    If /tmp with noexec option, Satellite installation/configuration will failed

2. Because most Satellite Server data is stored in the /var directory, 
mounting /var on LVM storage can help the system to scale.

3. The bulk of storage resides in the /var/lib/pulp/ directory. 
These end points are not manually configurable. 
Ensure that storage is available on the /var file system to prevent storage problems.

#**** Log File Storage
Log files are written to /var/log/messages/, /var/log/httpd/, and /var/lib/foreman-proxy/openscap/content/. 
You can manage the size of these files using logrotate. 
vi /etc/logrotate.conf
    rotate  8
    compress    # un-comment compress

#**** Software Collections
Software collections are installed in the /opt/rh/ and /opt/theforeman/ directories

#***** Symbolic links
You cannot use symbolic links for /var/lib/pulp/

#***** Supported Operating Systems
1. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, x86_64 only
2. Install Satellite Server on a freshly provisioned system.
3. Red Hat does not support using the system for anything other than running Satellite Server.

#********** Firewall Requirements
1. Enabling Connections from a Client to Satellite Server
firewall-cmd \
--add-port="80/tcp" --add-port="443/tcp" \
--add-port="5647/tcp" --add-port="8000/tcp" \
--add-port="8140/tcp" --add-port="9090/tcp" \
--add-port="53/udp" --add-port="53/tcp" \
--add-port="67/udp" --add-port="69/udp"

2. Make the changes persistent:
    firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent

3. Verify firewall settings
firewall-cmd --list-all

#*********** Verify DNS resolution
1. Ensure that the host name and local host resolve correctly:
ping -c1 localhost
ping -c1 `hostname -f` #

2.To avoid discrepancies with static and transient host names, 
set all the host names on the system by entering the following command:
    hostnamectl set-hostname name 

#*********** Create logical volume for RHEL download packages
# Install/add two disks to base OS
1. 100GB
2. 1TB

# Set installation disk partition size during the RHEL installation
/       25GiB
/tmp    10GiB
/var    25GiB
/var/log    10GiB
/var/log/audit  5GiB
/home   10GiB

# Create physical, virtual group and logical volumes for the 2nd hard disk

# create physical volume
pvcreate /dev/sdb

# create volume group
vgCreate vgData /dev/sdb

# create logical volume
lvcreate -n lvPulp -L 300G vgData
lvcreate -n lvCache -L 300G vgData
lvcreate -n lvDB -L 20G vgData

# verify /dev/mapper
ls -l /dev/mapper

# format logical volumes
mkfs.xfs /dev/mapper/vgData-lvPulp
mkfs.xfs /dev/mapper/vgData-lvCache
mkfs.xfs /dev/mapper/vgData-lvDB

# Update /etc/fstab
/dev/mapperrhel_hostname-tmp    /tmp    xfs defaults    0   0
/dev/mapper/vgData-lvPulp   /var/lib/pulp   xfs     noexec,nosuid,nodev     0   0
/dev/mapper/vgData-lvCache  /var//cache/pulp    xfs     noexec,nosuid,nodev     0   0
/dev/mapper/vgData-lvDB     /var/opt/rh     xfs     noexec,nosuid,nodev     0   0

# verify disk space
df -h

# Join the Satellite server to domain
realm join --user=username test.local --computer-ou="ou=Linux,DC=test,DC=local"

# grant group ssh access
realm permit --groups "Domain Admins"
realm permit --groups "Linux Admins"

# Edit /etc/sudoers
"%Domain Admins"    ALL=(ALL)   ALL
"%Linux Admins" ALL=(ALL)   ALL

#*********** Configuring the Base Operating System with Offline Repositories
1. Download and copy RHEL 7.9 and Satellite 6.10, plus the following two SELinux packages to Satellite base system

2. Install selinux package
yum localinstall /var/tmp/selinux-policy-3.13.1-268.el7_9.2.noarch.rpm 
yum localinstall selinux-policy-targeted-3.13.1-268.el7_9.2.noarch.rpm

3. create mount point/directory
mkdir /media/rhel7-server
mount -o loop /var/tmp/rhel7-Server-DVD.iso /media/rhel7-server
cp /media/rhel7-server/media.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/rhel7-server.repo

# Edit rhel7-server.repo, add baseurl directive

yum repolist    # verify the repository has been configured
yum repolist -v

mkdir /media/sat6

mkdir /media/sat6
mount -o loop /var/tmp/sat6-DVD.iso /media/sat6
yum repolist -v # verify satellite packages accessible
yum repolist all

#*********** Installing the Satellite Packages from the Offline Repositories
1. Ensure the ISO images for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server and Red Hat Satellite are mounted:
    findmnt -t iso9660

2. Import the Red Hat GPG keys:
rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release

3. Ensure the base operating sytems is up to date
yum update

4. Install Satellite
yum update      # ensure the base OS is up to date with the binary ISO image
cd /media/sat6
If you have successfully installed the Satellite packages, the following message is displayed: 
    Install is complete. Please run satellite-installer --scenario satellite

5. nstalling the SOS Package on the Base Operating System
Install the sos package on the base operating system so that 
you can collect configuration and diagnostic information from a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system
    yum install sos

6. Configure satellite
Use the satellite-installer --scenario satellite --help

Enter the following command with any additional options that you want to use:

# satellite-installer --scenario satellite \
--foreman-initial-organization "initial_organization_name" \
--foreman-initial-location "initial_location_name" \
--foreman-initial-admin-username admin_user_name \
--foreman-initial-admin-password admin_password

7. Verify installation logs
The script displays its progress and writes logs to /var/log/foreman-installer/satellite.log.
    tail -f /var/log/messages

8. Enabling the Disconnected Mode (disconnected network installation only)
hammer settings set --name content_disconnected --value true
    Note: From GUI  https://satellite.test.lab
        a. In Satellite web UI, navigate to Administrater -> Settings
        b. Click the Content tab
        c. Set the "Disconnected mode" value to "Yes"

Change RHEL server ip address or default gateway

/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-device /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ens192 # example nmcli con load /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ens192 # update changes


Red Hat Satellite Installation or upgrade fails with the exception

# Error 1: Puppet -Error: Cannot determine basic system flavour
    Starting puppetserver Service...
    Failed to load feature test for posix: can't find user for 0
    Puppet::Error: Cannot determine basic system flavour

1. Assign executable permission to /tmp
2. Following modifications need to be performed to use any other mount point that has "exec" bit set, 
    which can then be used as a temporary mount point for Java -
    # vim /etc/sysconfig/puppetserver

    Add the following line in the above file and save the file:
    JAVA_ARGS="-Xms2G -Xmx2G -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"
        Note:   In this example, the mount point has been set to "/var/tmp"

3. Verify
 # systemctl restart puppetserver
 # systemctl status puppetserver ----> Ensure that the service is running
 # ps -ef | grep | grep puppetlabs  ----> Ensure that new "tmp" partition is in effect

 4. Refer below step in case the above step does not resolve the issue:
 # vim  /etc/foreman-installer/custom-hiera.yaml

    Adding below line in the above file can also be used as a workaround for this issue:
    puppet::server_jvm_extra_args: '-XX:MaxPermSize=256m'

1) Either way, you’ll need to set the permissions of the directory to 1777. 
This allows the Puppet Server JRuby process to write a file to '/tmp' and then execute it. 
If permissions are set incorrectly, you’ll get a massive stack trace without much useful information in it.

2) The changes in /etc/sysconfig/puppetserver file might get overwritten with Satellite upgrade. 
Hence it is recommended to make changes in /etc/foreman-installer/custom-hiera.yaml file.

Root Cause
If /tmp is mounted with the option noexec, puppetserver assumes that it is running on a Windows server, 
because it cannot determine the basic system flavour.
Puppetserver service fails to start with error - Permission denied
# Permission denied - /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver" in Red Hat Satellite 6

# Issue
The puppetserver service is not getting started and the following errors were observed in the Red Hat Satellite\Capsule server.

satellite puppetserver: (RuntimeError) Got 1 failure(s) while initializing: 
File[/var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver]: change from 'absent' to 'directory' failed: 
Could not set 'directory' on ensure: Permission denied - /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver

Failed to start puppetserver Service.
Unit puppetserver.service entered failed state.
puppetserver.service failed.

# Resolution
1. Ensure that the ownership\permission\selinux_context of the directory

    looks like the following
    # ls -ld /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver -Z
    drwxr-x---. puppet puppet system_u:object_r:var_log_t:s0   /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver

2. If the issue persists, Ensure that /var/log/puppetlabs itself has the correct ownership\permission\selinux_context applied.
# ls -ldZ /var/log/puppetlabs
drwxr-xr-x. root root system_u:object_r:var_log_t:s0   /var/log/puppetlabs

# Root Cause
The permission of /var/log/puppetlabs directory was set to 740  drwxr
    whereas the expected permission is 755 i.e. drwxr-xr-x

# Diagnostic Steps
1. Verify the permission\ownership\selinux_context of the /var/log/puppetlabs and its underlying directory and files.
    # namei -lom /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver/*.log
    # ls -lRZa /var/log/puppetlabs

2. Verify if there are any SELinux denials captured inside /var/log/audit/audit.log related to puppet or puppetserver.

How to verify if all services are running fine on Redhat Satellite Server

1. Check to ping all services parts of Satellite Server
    # hammer ping

2. In case anything gets failed, we need to further check all services and start the corresponding services.
    # katello-service status

3. Re-start the stopped or pending services
        systemctl stop rh-mongodb34-mongod.service
        systemctl start rh-mongodb34-mongod.service
        systemctl status rh-mongodb34-mongod.service

4. Now check the status again
    # katello-service status