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Red Hat Server admin

  • Name
    Jackson Chen

Red Hat Admininstration

# RHEL developer login and download RHEL

# command       # run as "root" or administrator
$ command       $ run as normal user

tty     # terminal console  tty1, tty2, etc

ctl+alt+F2  tty2
tty1 is the default GUI login terminal, any other tty will be virtual terminal/console

ssh root@servera    # ssh to servera
    # ssh public and private key

ctl+d   # logout

bastion     # router, such as Vyos

vim .ssh/known_hosts    # ssh key store

ctl+alt+(up/down arrow)     # to access different terminal

date +%r
file zcat   # check the file zcat
wc zcat     # count the file, number of line and words
head zcat   # first 10 lines
tail zcat   
tail -n 20 zcat     # last 20 line of file zcat

#********* managng files
pwd # list where you're in the directory, path

bin, sbin   # binary directory, symbolic link
sbin    # system binary, used only by root
bin     # used by the user

cd /usr     # unix system resources (usr) - contains installed software programs and libraries
there are bin and sbin under /usr

dev # devices
etc # extended text configuration file, where to configure ssh - persistent, system-specific configuration data

home    # user home directory

run # runtime data, will be delete / empty when reboot
var # 
/root   # root user home directroy

tree -d | less  # list the directory tree

/var    # dynamic data, such as for databases and websites
/tmp    # tempoary directory, 10 days will be deleted
/var/tmp    # 30 days will be deleted

/usr/bin    # contains regular commands and utilities

/run    # contains non-persistent process runtime data

# ************** absolute paths and relative paths
absolute path   - full path

.   current directory
..  parent directory of my current directory
~   change to current user's home directory     or "cd" even simpler
-   cd -    # change to my previous directory

touch <file>    # create new file
ls -R   # list current directory and it sub-directory

# ************ managng file
mkdir -p dir1/dir2/dir3

ls -R dir1/ # list the directory structure

cp -r /use/share/doc/unzip/ .   # copy directory to the current directory

rm unzip/bug    # remove/delete file
rm -i unzip/readm
rmdir unzip # remove directory
rmdir -r projects   # tree -d unzip     # to see the diretory tree
rm -r projects/     # it will delete all files and directory !!!!

mv file1 file2      # rename file or directory
mv dir1 /tmp/dir2   # move dir1 to /tmp/dir2

#******* links between files
Index node (inode)  # how are files identified 
    - permissions, ownership, date & time stamps, paths to date on file system (except file name, is managed by something else)

ls -li <filename>   # -li to life inode
    1   # link count is "1"
ln file1 file2  # file2 point to file1
    ls -li file1 file2  # it shows both file1 and file2 has same inode, they are the same file, it show "2" as link count
    **** this is hard link
if delete file1, file2 still valid
cat file1 file2     # show content of file1 and file2

# soft link - symbolic link
ln -s file3 file4   # file4 is the softlink of file3, and file3 and file4 have different inode
ls -li file3 file4
    Note: file4 has different inode, therefore, it can have its own permission
        if file4 deleted, then soft link is broken

We can only create link with directory using soft link

ls *    # list every file
ls ?file    # list single character and file, such as 1file   ?  single character
ls [ace]*   # any file begin with a, or c, or e
ls [^ace]*  ls [!ace]*  # any file not starts with a, c or e
ls [[:alpha:]]*     # begin with alph
ls [[:digit:]]*
ls ~        # ~ login user home directory
ls [[:alnum:]]*     # alph or digit
ls [[:punct:]]*

# shell expansion
touch {Sun,Mon,Tues,Wednes}day.log   or     echo {Sun,Mon,Tues,Wednes}day.log
    it will create the files: 
        Sunday.log Monday.log Tuesday.log Wednesday.log

mkdir RHEL{6,7,8}
    it creates RHEL6 RHEL7 RHEL8 directories

touch son{1..5}.mp3

touch file{a,b}_{1..5}.avi

# varilable
echo $SOMETHING     # return value      refer as $<variable_name>

# set boundary of variable
echo ${FIRST}_${LAST}   # return User1_Name

# command substituion       $(xxxx)
echo "Today is $(date + %A)"
    Today is Monday     # return value

# "" double quote allows expansion, ''  single quote does NOT allow expansion
echo "Hello ${USER}, on $(hostname) at $(date +%F), you are running $(python3 -V)"
    Hello student, on at 2021-12-25, you are running Python 3.6.8
\$  \ prevent escape the next character

#********** managing files from command line
mv ~/my_dir*  .     # move login user home directory my_dir*  to the current directory

cd  cd ~        # same, change to login user home directory

#*********** getting help
man man
man ls      # (1) section 1

man -k cron
        # (1) section 1
         (5) section, about configuration
        (8) for administrator

man 5 crontab   # go to section 5 of contab,  contab configuration
man iscsiadm    
    /example    # /<searh_word>

ctl+shit+c  ctrl+shift+v    cut paste

export LESS='-X'    # do not clear screen, when search in man   # useful

/example    then type "n" for next match
?discover   search for "discover"

#******* how to use man page
gedit + manual      # gedit +   it will access the last line
man 1 su    man su  # same output, if no "num" than it will go to the highest number "1"
ls /usr/share/man   # all man page store
whatis whereis
whereis passwd
man -k zip  # show differnt man page about zip
man -k boot
man -k ext4
    tune2fs # command used by root or administrator, daemon

#**** read info documentation   p info
pininfo     # different than man page
    d   # very top  table shows shortcut
    u   # up (back)
    /search # search
        press Enter
    q   quit
    n   next

pinfo coreutil

rm -- -foo  # delete the file "-foo"
man -t passwd >   # postscript file

man -k postscript viewer
evicne -w
evince -i 3

lp -P 2-3

pinfo evince

firefox /usr/share/doc  # open the file in firefox

# ************** redirect input, output, std error
0       stdin   (keyboard)
chanel 1    stdout
channel 2   stderr
3+      filename

echo "today is $(date +%A)" # command subscibtion)
echo "today is $(date +%A)" > file1 

echo "today is $(date +%A)" >> file2    # redirect output
cat catch* >> collection_file

ls /shoe    # get error
ls /shoe /boot 2> errors.log    # 2 (error) redirect to errors.log
    The success will be sent to default 1 (screen)

ls /rav /var    # error     ls /rav
ls /rav /var 2>> errors.log # append to errors.log

ls /rav /var > output.log 2> errors.log     # 1 redirect to output.log,  2 error to errors.log
ls /rav /var >> output.log 2>> errors.log   # appending

ls /rav /var > combine.log 2>&1     ls /rav /var &> combine2.log        # same   - error and stdout to the same file
ls /rav /var &>> combine3.log       # append

find / -iname passwd    # detail search
find / -iname passwd 2> /dev/null   # send error to /dev/null   black hole

mail -s "test" root # send email to root user, waiting for input
mail -s "test" root < file1 # send email to root, content from file "file1"

wc -l /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg

grep ^[^#] /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg | wc -l # count line count exclude comment line
find / -iname passwd 2> /dev/null | tee find_results        # tee  - output and send the output to file
find / -iname passwd 2> /dev/null | tee -a find_results     # -a append

#***************** editing text file from shell prompt
    i   insert
    v   visual
    :   extended command
    v   visual mode

p   copy
4p  copy 4 line
cw  change word
dw  delete word

x   delete when in command mode

ls -l > visaul_demo
    v   visual mode
    d   to highligh and delete
    u   undo
    shift v 


#************** change shell variable
echo $FIRST

set # 
set | less
env | less  # env vs set
        env only change child environment
        set change shell

env EDITOR=nano crontable -e
crontable -e

export EDITOR=vim   # all future program will use the variable
export -n EDITOR    # unset

history     # history size
cat .bash_history
vi .bashrc
    export HISTFIlESIZE =2000   # set history file size to 2000 entry
    export HISTTIMEFORMAT="%F %T "  # then restart the shell to take effect

# vi    command
shift v     # visual mode to be able to highlight
v   character only visual   
x   delete

ctrl v      visual block    (right arrow to hightlight)
shif v      hightligh

        filename_$(date +%s).txt    command subtitiong

# ********** managing users and groups
id  # list the detail of the current login user id, group id, etc
vi /etc/passwd      # 
    grep student /etc/passwd
    student:x:1000:1000:student User:/home/student:/bin/bash    
        x   password
        1000    id
        1000    gid
        /home/student   home drive
        /biin/bash  shell

grep student /etc/shadow    # password hash
grep student /etc/group 
            x   password
            1000    gid

grep student /etc/groupshadow
group       # list the current user group membership

#**** gain superuser access
root    group id "0"
su  # switch user
echo $PATH  # verify PATH variable, it shows as student 

su -    # start login shell as root
    echo $PATH  # it shows as root

su - user1  # switch to login as user1
ctrl+v  # logout

sudo grep student /etc/shadow

visudo      # view sudeor file
sudo !!     # run the previous command
sudo -i     # compare with "sudo -"     request as root login shell without password
    ctrl v  # exit root login shell

ls -l /etc/sudoers.d    # allow configuration file for sudoer, there are files for the users
sudo cat /etc/sudoers.d/user1

cp /etc/motd /etc/motdOLD
    sudo !!
    sudo rm /etc/motdOLD

useradd --help
man useradd
useradd --  tab tab (tab completion)

id  0 - 200 root and system account
    201 - 999
    1000 -   normal user

useradd kano
id kano
    # user with next available user id

userdel kano    # delete user
    Note: but the user home still exit

need to delete the uesr home, otherwise the new user will be using the deleted uesr home (userid, gid)
    userdel -r user2    # Important:  -r    to delete user home

usermod -c "Operator One" operator1 # change description
getent passwd user1 # obtain the entry for user "user1"

#********* managing local group
group student   # show user group membership
groupadd --help

grep devops /etc/group

usermod -a -G devops student    # apend, secondary (supermentry group)
groups student
    It shows it has devops
id student
    it shows it has devops gid

groupadd dbadmins
usermod -g dbadmins student # change primary group to "dbadmins"
usermod -g student student  # change back
usermod -G dbadmins student # it will remove whell supplemntry group, need to use "-a"
usermod -aG dbadmins,devops,student

groupadd -g 30000 operators
groupadd admin  # it will have gid 30001

echo "%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/admin  # create sudoers drop in file

#*********** Managing user password
/etc/shadow # password shadow file
    $6  1st field   sha512
    $xxx    2nd user salt
    $xx 3rd user pwd harsh
    :xxxx   num days since 1970
    :1  min 1 day before password allow change
    :18047  last    password expire since Jan 1, 1970

chage -m 1 -M 26 -W 4 -I 3 -e 2019-05-31 user1
    -m min  # min days password can be changed
    -M max
    -W warning
    -I grays period 
    -E  # -E -1  never expired

chage -l user1  # show user password information    "l" for large

chage -E $(date -d +180days +%Y-%m-%d) user2    # set user password change in 180 days)

man usermod # lock user account 
        -L lock
        -U unlock
usermod -L user1
    -U user1

vi /etc/login.defs  # configuration file
    PASS_MAX_DAYS   9999

# in situation, you create a user account that user without login shell, such as proxy server
useradd user2 -s /sbin/nologin
grep user2 /etc/passwd

usermod -s /sbin/nologin user3  # change user to remove login shell
    # the user can use system resources, but just can't login to system shell

chage -d 0 user3    # set password expire, user need to change password when next login

chage -E yyyy-mm-dd user1   # set the user acount expire date at exact date

sudo groupadd -g 40000 consultants
echo "%consultants ALL=(ALL) ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/consultants

#**************** control access to file
r w x
owning user
owning group   (the primary group)

-   normal file
d   directory
l   link

    rwx owning user
        rwx owning group
            rwx other

ugo (u g o)

processing process
    1. are you the owning user, if yes, then stop processing
    2. If not, are you a member of the owning group,
    3. if not, process "other"

# **************** managing file system permission from command line
chmod   # change permission
chown   # change ownership

ls -ld  /<dir>      # ld    long list directory

chown :<required_group> /<directory>    # change owner of dir to requierd group

chown <required_user> /<dir>    # change ownership to required_user

chmod -R a=rX /<dir1>   # Verify X permission
    Note: will give every one executable on the directory, but NOT for the files
chmod -R a=rx /dir1 # rx lowercase x will give everyone executable for the directory and the files

chmod g+w /dir      add write permission to the group
chmod 770 /dir      set permission 770 for dir

#********** managing default permission and file access
standard permissions:    ugo    rwx 421

sticky bit  -> directory
    o + t   # only the owner of the file can delete the file
chmod o+t /dir  
chmod o-t /dir  # remove sticky bit
chmod 1770 /dir
chmod 0770 /dir # remove sticky bit

ls -ld /dir
    drwxrwxr--T # T sticky bit

# set Grid  directory or file   # good for co-operation / calabration
    g+s     2
    g-s # remove
chmod 3770 /dir1

chmod g+s /dir1     # set any file created in the dir1 will have the same owning group as the directory owning group
ls -ls /dir1

# sticky bit for file
chown :group1 /usr/bin/tac
chmod g+s /usr/bin/tac
chmod g-s /usr/bin/tac

# set uid -> only on files
sticky bit  1       1ugo
set grid    2   (gid)   2ugo
set uid     4       4ugo

chmod 000 /usr/bin/tac
chown :root /usr/bin/tac

chmod u+s /usr/bin/tac
chmod u-s /usr/bin/tac
chmod 4755 /usr/bin/tac

# ** default permission
777 dirs
666 files

# umask
0022    # when set (defualt)

then    777
       0022 (-
       0755 becomes new default permission

# for file
0077 umask, then new file permission  0700 (-rwx------)   file1

# the system's default umask value for Bash shell user are defined in configuration file

User can override the system defaults in the .bash_profile and .bashrc file in their home directories
echo "umask 007" >> ~/.bashrc
cat ~/.bashrc   # verify

#*** Reading
# Overrides default umask configuration
if [ $UID -gt 199 ] && [ "`id -gn`" = "`id -un`" ]: then    # id -gn = id -un   <---- if gid=uid
    umask 007
    umask 022

$ id -gn    # verify output
$ id -un    # verify output

#*********** Monitoring and managing linux process
ps  # show running process
      pts/1     terminal 1 - sudo tty
ps -ef  
    PPID    # parent pid
top # top running process
    q   quit
    h   health

  State     comment
  T     a process in stopped or suspended state
  Z     a process that has released all its resources except its PID  (zombie state)
  S     a process is in sleep state

# ******** control jobs
ps &    # place command/process as background process
fg %<job-id>    # bring the job to fore ground
bg %<job-id>    # place the job in background

# create a log for all the output while at shell
mkdir /home/student/bin
vi /home/student/bin/control    # create a file "control" to log all the output
cat /tmp/control
    #! /bin/bash
    while true; do
        echo -n "$@ " >> ~/control_outfile  # write all output to control file
        sleep 1

chmod +x /home/student/bin/control
    control testing

bg %<job-id>
    ctrl + z    # terminate the job
    ctrl + c    # stop the job

ps jT   # show job as stopped or Terminated

#******* terminate process
ps  # show running process
ps -ef | grep <process name>

kill -l     # different kill singal
    15  SIGTERM     # clean kill
    9   SIGKILL     # terminate
    19  SGSTOP      # stop
    18  SIGCONT     # continue

    1   SIGHUP      # tell process to stop reading configure file from memory, and load / read the configuration file (updated)

kill -19 <pid>
kill <pid>      # using default 15

whatis pkill
ps -ef | grep <process name>
pkill <process name>    # multiple process
killall <process name>

w   # show who is login to the computer

echo "testing" > /dev/pts/<id>      # it will send the "message" to the current running terminal of the user

pkill -t tty2   # it will kill the entire tty2 terminal / kill the user session <----- similar to reset session
pkill -t pts/2      # administatively managing user login session

pstree | less       # show process tree

ctrl+shift+t    # moving between different terminals

#************** monitoring load average
verify system resource running average over time (5 seconds by default)
1 5 15 minutes  (lscpu - load average)

uptime      # load average
lscpu       # verify num logical cpu

top # realtime, load average
    k   # kill the process
        k   then type <pid>, or press ENTER to select the default, and then press ENTER again to select 15 
    h   # show key command
    q   # quit
    m   # memory
    p   # process
    t   task

#************ controlling services and daemon

systemd (1)
    service     daemon

    # shows load, active
systemctl list-unit # show different unit file
    q  # quit

systemctl list-unit --type=target

ls -l /usr/lib/systemd/system   # where all the file locate
    show all unit that systemd manages  <---------- do not make change using vi or manaully

systemctl status sshd

$ ^status^stop      # replace the previous command "statu" with "stop"

systemctl is-active sshd.service    # tab completion
systemctl disable sshd  # this will disable sshd service, it will not run on system restart
systemctl enable sshd   # enable it, so it will run when system restart

systemctl list-units --type=service # type service
systemctl list-units --type=socket

systemctl list-unit is-enable --type=service
systemctl list-unit is-active --type=service

# ************ controlling system service
systemctl reload sshd   # 
systemctl list-dependencies sshd --reverse

systemctl status sendmail
    Main PID    # pay attention to Main PID
systemclt mask sendmail     # if two daemons using the same port 
            # prevent start

systemctl unmask sendmail   (unmask)

systemctl reload sshd

#******************** configure and secure SSH
~/.ssh.known_hosts  # fingerprint data store in remote computer

ls /etc/ssh/*key*   # show all fingerprint  on the server

# verify strict host checking
vi .ssh/config
    Host *
        IdentityFile ~/.ssh/lab_rsa
        StricthostKeyChecking yes   <------- could change to "no"

#*************** accessing the remote host from command line
ctrl+d      exit/log in ssh session

#********** configure ssh key-based authentication
public key: encrypt data
private key: decrypt data

public key in remote server, the private key in your workstation  # enable ssh access

# ssh to server1
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/student/.ssh/id_rsa): /home/student/.ssh/custom_key
Enter passphrase:       # can press enter to not use passphrase
It will then create two files:
    custom_key  # pub key
The key finger print is:
SHA256: xxxxxxxxxxx

# Then, install the public key to serverb
ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/ serverb  # copy pub key to serverb

When ssh to serverb
    ssh -i .ssh/custom_key serverb
    it will prompt for passphrase for key:
    Note: This is not totally transparent

could use ssh agent
    ssh-add .ssh/custom_key     # minimize to enter passphrase every time

ssh-keygen -f ./ssh/key2    # generate a new key file "key2"

#************ customize openssh service
vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config     # daemon config
PermitRootLogin no  # yes -> not

systemctl reload sshd

getent passwd <user>    # verify the user login

# allow member of group to ssh
groupadd sshusers
usermod -aG sshuers student
vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    AllowGroups sshusers

# ************ Analyzing and storing logs
journal collects logs
journalctl  # not persistent by default
    systemd     (important process0

rsyslog     (facility and priority)  such as authpriv.notice
/var/log    (facility and priority)

# logs
    /var/log/messages   # most syslog message, exception of those related to authentication, mail, schedule jobs and debuggign
    /var/logs/secure    # syslog related to security and authentications
    /var/log/maillog    # syslog message related to the mail server
    /var/log/cron       # syslog message related to the scheduled jobs
    /var/log/boot.log   # stores console messages related to system startup

rsyslog service sorts and organizes syslog message into files in /var/log

/etc/rsyslog.conf   # rsyslog configuration file
    local6.*  -> /var/log/sshd.log   # for example

    Note: not good to change the main configuration file, use the drop in file, it follows the same syntax as the main configure file, and you own it

# create a sshd log
vi /etc/rsyslog.d/99-sshd.conf  # 00 - xx, othe 
    local6.* /var/log/sshd.log

systemctl restart rsyslog.service

man rsyslog.conf

logger -p local6.warn this is a warning message     # general a test message
ls -l /var/log/sshd.log
tail -f /var/log/sshd.log   # open the file and keep refresh
    ctl+c    # terminate

# log rotate, it is process or cron job, not a daemon
ls -l /etc/logrotate.conf
ls -l /etc/logrotate.d/     # drop in file  # most configuration file be done in drop in file

echo '*.debug /var/log/messages-debug' >> /etc/rsyslog.d/debug.conf
systemctl restart rsyslog

#************** reviewing system journal --- monitoring agent

journalctl      # not persistent, on reboot, it will be overwrite

journalctl -r   # reverse the display output, newest first
    q   quit

jurnalctl -u sshd.service   # showing unit "sshd.service"
jurnalctl -u sshd.service -r    # revese order
jurnalctl -u sshd.service -r --since today
jurnalctl -u sshd.service -r --since "2019-04-14 09:00:00" --until "2019-04-14 10:00:00"
jurnalctl -u sshd.service -r --since "2019-04-14 09:00:00" --until "2019-04-14 10:00:00" -p warning # facility - warning
jurnalctl -u sshd.service -r --since -10min

jurnalctl -u sshd.service -r --since today -p warning

debug -> info -> notice -> warn -> err -> crit -> alert -> emerg   # priority order 

jurnalctl -p warning    # show only warning message # facility upward from warning
jurnalctl -n 40 # last 40 output
jurnalctl -o verbose    # output verbose

jurnalctl status sshd 

jurnalctl _SYSTEMD_UNIT=sshd.service _PID=737   # for advanced troubleshooting

man journalctl

journalctl _PID=1   # show all message with pid=1

journalctl _UID=80  (uid)

#******** preserving the system journal
/var/log/journal    # create this directory
    Note: Once create, journal will automatically save entry here

    It has log rotate, it run once a month

vi /etc/systemd/journald.conf   #

journalctl | grep -E 'Runtime|system journal'
systemctl restart systemd-journald

journalctl -b 1  # previous 1 boot
journalctl -b -1    # only interest in the previous boot

journalctl -f   # similar to "tail -f"

ls -l /run/log

sudo grep -A1 Journal /etc/systemd/journald.conf    # show only 1 line after find "Journal"
systemctl restart systemd-journald

#********************** maintain accurate time
time sync is important!!

timedatectl set-ntp true

timedatectl list-timezones

timedatectl set-timezone <timezone>
timedatectl set-time <hh:mm>    # only be able to set if NTP is not set

systemctl status chronyd.service    # RHEL7 onward using chronyd
vi /etc/chrony.conf # configuration file
    server x.x.x.x iburst   # set ntp server

chronyc sources # verify sources
chronyc sources -v  # verbose

tzselect    # select the timezone

timedatectl list-timezone | grep -i Australia

#*************** manaing networking
nmcli   # utilities

link-local address: fe80::/10   

ip a    # show ip address

ping6   # ping ipv6 address
ping6 <ipv6-address>%enp1s0 # ping ipv6 and the interface

cat /etc/hosts  # dns hosts file
head /etc/services
cat /etc/resolv.conf    # manage by NetworkManager

which number is the size, in bits, of an IPv6 address?
A: 128

Which address does not represent a valid IPv6 address:
F. 2001:db8::7::2   # there are two "::" adjacent

Which term allows one system to send traffic to a special IP address that is received by multiple systems?
A. Multicast

# *********** validating network configuration
ip address show 
ip a s  # ip address show
ip a    #
ip a s enp1s0   # interface ip a s <interface name>

ip link show
ip link show <interface>
ip -s link show enp1s0  # show link statistics

tracepath   # new command, traceroute <-- old command
ss -plunt   # <----------------------------------------------------

ip link
ip r    # show routing table
ping -c3 ip-address # c3 - count 3

ss -lt      # listening tcp

#************ configure netowrk from command line
nmcli   # netowrk manager daemon - network manager cli
    tab completion
    # show profile  # more flexible and useful for cloud <----------------------


nmcli   # 
nmcli connection show
nmcli con show
nmcli con show "W tab       # show profile
    show very detail information

nmcli   tab
nmcli con tab tab

nmcli con mod "wired..." ipv4.dns

nmcli con show wire..  | grep ipv4.dns
nmcli con up wire...    # need to bring it up again, to take effect of dns change

nmcli con mod "wired..." +ipv4.dns  # add multiple entries

nmcli con show --active     # show the profile that are currently in used
nmcli dev status
nmcli dev show enpls0   # show interface

nmcli con mod <profile> connection.autoconnect no   # set dhcp to no

# Add or remove IP address from the device, using ip address command
ip addr add dev ens192
ip addr del dev ens192

# *********** Edit network config file
ls -l /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*    # where the network profile file locates
nmcli con reload    # reload after change to read the configuration
nmcli con <profile> up  # To take effect after reading the configuration file

sudi -i     # open root shell

#*************** configure hostname and name resolution
hostnamectl status
hostnamectl set-hostname new-name   # set new name

cat /etc/hosts  # hosts name resolution
vi /etc/hosts   # update the name resloution

grep hosts /etc/resolv.conf # show resolution order -> files dns myhostname

getent hosts <hostname to search>

nmcli con mod "<profile-name>" +ipv4.dns x.x.x.x  +ipv4.dns-search x.b.c
nmcli con up <profile name> # up to take effect

cat /etc/hostname
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname x.x.x # set hostname -> it create /etc/hostname file

host  # similar to  nslookup

getent hosts class  <-------------- getend hosts

#************ managng networking

#*************** Archive and transfering files

tar -cf etc.tar /etc    # archive the /etc directroy
tar -tf etc.tar     # to view the archive file

ls -lh etc.tar  # show size
tar -xf etc.tar     # it unzip

tar -czf etc-backup-$(date +F).tar.gz /etc  # compress
tar -cjf etc-backup-$(date +F) /etc
tar -cJf etc-backup-$(date +F).tar.xz /etc <----------- best compress
tar -cf etc-backup-$(date +F).tar /etc

ls etc*.tar* -lh    # verify size

tar -xf etc-xxxx.xz # tar knows what compression methods to extract

tar -tf xxx.gz      # test extract

#************* tranfer file between system securely
scp -r student@servera:/xf  .   # copy to current directory from servera /xf directory, -r  recursive when copy directory
scp -r student@servera:/xf  /tmp/backup     # copy to /tmp/backup

ssh-keygen -N ''    # no passphrase
ssh-copy-id servera

sftp student@servera    # using sftp for file transfer, using ssh key without password
mkdir backup
lcd /etc
put hosts

# ************* sync file between systems securely
rsync       # it is better than scop, make it your default file transfer

rysnc -Par servera:/xf .    # transfer /xf from servera to current directory
                # r - recursive
rysnc -Par servera:/xf .    # when run again, it will only copy new / diff files

rysnc -Par servera:/<dir1>  <dest-dir>

rysnc -a <filename>  user1@server1:/<dir-path>      # rsync a single file

#************** installing and update software package
1. register your server to satellite (or CDN)
2. Enable repository
3. lifecycle
4. download

subscription-manager status
subscription-manager register   # register with redhat

subscription-manager attach --auto  (pool pool-id)

or using activation key
subscription-manager repos --disable='*' --eanble='<repo-name>'     # best practice

which task(s) can be performed with Red Hat subscription management tools?
a. Register a system
b. subscribe a system
c. enable repositories
d. review and track entitlements
e. all of the above <------------------ Answer

rpm # package management

ls -l *.rpm

file <rpmfile>.rpm  # show detail of the rpm file

rpm -qa     # show all the rpm installed
rpm -q <rpm-name>   # query
rpm -qi <rpm-name>
rpm -ql dns-util    # show file association
rpm -qc <name>  # show configuratoin
rpm -qd <name>
rpm -q --scripts <name>
rpm -qpl <rpmfile>  # listing of the files
rpm -qpc <rpmfile>  # configuration file, scripts
rpm -qpd <rpmfile>

rpm -i <name>
    # not able to check and fix dependencies

rpm -qf /etc/ssh/sshd_config

yumdownloader openssh-server

mkdir scratch
rm -rf scratch/*

rpm2cpio <rpmfile> | cpio -duim     # rpm is archive file, how to extract them. To determine what file will be added, or modified
                    # verify the script. Important: ensure script included are safe!!!!

rpm -qpi <rpm-file>
rpm -qp <rpm-file> --scripts    # query about any scripts

motd    # message of day

rpm2cpio <rpmfile> | cpio -tv   # test verbose
rpm2cpio <rpmfile> | cpio -idv  # unpack the rpm file

rpm -ivh <rpmfile>  # install, verbose, h - show progress

rpm -q <package>    # not the rpm file, such as rpm -q sshd

#******************* install and updating with yum
yum is better than rpm

yum search <package name>   # yum search nmap, example
yum info nmap   # can against your repo
repoquery -l nmap   # against your repo
repoquery -l nmap | grep bin    # verify any changes in bin

yum provides /etc/fstab     # verify what provides the package, if package delete, then how to reinstall it
yum provides *bin/authconfig    
yum install nmap    # install, by default it will install the latest version
yum update nmap
yum remove namp # be careful, as it may uninstall dependencies, that other package may need <------------------------

yum group list  # verify groups
yum group info "Development tools"  # verify package groups

^info^install   # replace the previous command "info" with "install"

yum tab completion

yum deplist # dependence list

yum has plug-in also, do more research

ls -l /var/log/dnf.rpm.log

yum history # verify yum change history
yum history undo <history-num>  # undo history, such as re-install

su -    # access root shell

yum search <package-name>
yum group info "<group name>"
yum group install "<group name>"
yum hisotry info <yum-hisotry-num>

#******************* enable yum software repo
yum-config-manager --add-repo 'http://<repo-url>'
vi /etc/yum.repos.d/<repo-url-file>     # Verify the added repo file

# manually create repo file
vi /etc/yum.repos.d/errata.repo     # need to have ".repo" extension
yum-config-manager --disable rht-updates
yum list rht-system # redhat training
yum install rht-system  # it will install from the newly added repo

yum update  # it will update all the installed packages

# ************** package module streams
AppStream - a module can have multiple streams, only one stream can be active at a time

yum module list
yum module list <module name>

yum module info <m name>
    stream   [d][a]     # default, active

yum module info <m name>:<version>
yum module install perl
yum install @perl   # same as install module

yum module remove <m name>  # remove the module
yum module disable <current enable module name>
yum module enable perl:5.24 # example,  <module name>:<version>

yum model list --installed  # list installed module

yum info <module name>

yum module install <modulename>:<version>/<profile> # example, yum module install python36:3.6/default
        # after install, the module will be enabled

yum localinstall -y <rpm file name> # install rpm

#******************** Access linux file systems
df -h   # verify file system
    /dev/vda1   # virtual disk, mounted on

df -h <mount point>     # such as   df -h /
blkid /dev/vda1     # block id
    mount point is a directory, where storage are avaiable
blkid /dev/vda1     # uuid  
    # show uuid, and file type
findmnt     # tree view of file system
lsblk   # block device
ls -l /dev/vda      # brw-rw----    # show output
du -sh  # disk usage, summary

What is the name of the device file for the entire second virtio-blk disk attached to a virtual machine
Anwer: /dev/vdb

which command provides an overview of the file system mount points and the amount of free space available in SI units?
answer: df -H       # uppercase H

#********** mount and umount
blkid /dev/vdb1

mount /dev/vdb1  /<where>
mount uuid="xxx" /<where?

mkdir -p /common/docs   

mount uuid=xxx  /common/docs    # recommended

mount   # show all the mounts

umount /common/docs # why it is busy
lsof /common/docs   # list open file

kill -9 <pid>   # output from lsof

ls -l /run/media/<login user>/<name>

# need to umount before remove the device

lsblk -fp /dev/vdb1 # verify mountpoint

umount /mnt/<mountpoint>

#**************** locating files on the system
find /dir -name <filename>      # find /where   -name <filename>

find / -name sshd_config 2>/dev/null

find / -iname sshd_config 2>/dev/null   # case insentive
find / -iname "*.pdf"   

find / -user <username>     # grep <user> /etc/passwd
find / -user <username> -delete # delete all the file own by the required user

find / -type f -user <username> -size 10M   # +10M   -10M   example

find /home -size +10M -exec ls -lh  {} \;       # exact size

find /home -size +10M -iname "*.mkv"    # find file with extension
find /home -size +10M -iname "*.mkv" -exec rm -f {} \;  # delete the files
find /home -size +10M -iname "*.mkv" -delete

find /home -type f -perm /111   # find file that have executiable in /home
find /home -type f -perm /111 -exec rm -i {} \;     # inactive remove the executible files

find /home -mmin -60    # find file that have been modified in last 60 min
find /home -type f -mmin -60
find /home -type f -user <user> -mmin -60   # +60   more than 60 min

find / -iname "*string*"

# locate    # fast than find, but it
updatedb    # depends on update database  <------- not as good as find, not flexible

locate <filename>  
locate "*.string"

locate -i <filename>        # insentive

find /var -user root -group mail    # find file own by root, and owning group is "mail"
find /dev -type b | head    # block file

#************** Analysing Servers
system enable --now cockpit.socket  # tcp --> cockpit now renamed as Overview
firewall-cmd --add-service cockpit --permanent      # reboot and reload, persistent


systemctl status cockpit
systemctl start cockpit

#************* getting help from Redhat

#**************** Red Hat insights
Hosted service in cloud

subscription-manager register --auto-attach
yum install -y insights-client | tail -4

insights-client --register

- using ansible to remdiate the issue   ansible course 294 (automation)

#*************** review
head 5 bin/<dir>/file > /tmp/file1
tial 3 bin/file >> /tmp/file1

top -b -n 1 | head  # pass 1 for top and file process has highest usage
ech redhat | passwd --stdin dbuser1 # change dbuser1 password

chmod 3775 /home/student/dir

ssh-keygen -N '' -f .ssh/review3_key

grep -E '^PermitRootLogin|^PasswordAuthentication' /etc/ssh/sshd_config     # search start with Per... Pass in file /etc/ssh/sshd_config

scp -i .ssh/review3_key /tmp/log.tar  servera:/tmp  # copy two files to /tmp in servera

nmcli -p device     # show physical network adapter
    ip a show ens192    # verify the network adapter ens192

nmcli dev status    # verify device network status

find / -size 100c 2>/dev/null   # find file with 100bytes in size