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  • Name
    Jackson Chen

Configuration of Data Pump Application

Data Pump Application (iLink) stores its configurations in serveral locations


Using utility to backup and recover a data pump configuration

/opt/ilink/bin/      # DCD Configuration Utility
    -h      # display help message
    -i SRC serial       # i - import, SRC - source, serial - diode serial number
    -r SRC              # r - restore
    -b DEST Serial      # DEST - destination, such as /tmp/<filename>
    -a                  # Initiate AIDE database

Example -b /tmp/backup <serial-number>     # It will create /tmp/backup.gz     gzip file of the backup configuration

Log files

The ilink log files are stored in the location



# Verify WCC and tomcat version
wcc version 1.2.0-19066.e17, tomcat version 7.0.76-10.e17_7

Note: The required tomcat packages are in the dcd-2.0.1-ilink-4.1.7-19066.iso

# Verify MD5 hash
    Get-FileHash dcd-2-0-1-ilink-4-1-7-19066.iso -Algorithm MD5

Please backup the configuration first. Refer to section 5.5. the ILINK User guide for instructions on how to backup your system.

Preparing the yum repository

  1. Download the dcd-2.0.1-ilink-4.1.7-19066.iso from the website and transfer it onto the server
  2. Mount the iso as root
# Method 1
a. Using WinScp copy the ISO file to /home/dcd/Download
b. Mount the DCD ilink ISO to /mnt/cdrom
    mount /tmp/dcd-2.0.1-ilink-4.1.7-19066.iso /mnt/cdrom
        # Note:  /mnt/cdrom already exist

# Method 2
a. Connect the ISO to the system or the VM
b. Mount the ISO to the CD/DVD
    lsblk       # Verify /dev/sr0 is used for CD/DVD
    mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/cdrom

Verify the ISO content

Navigate to the /mnt/cdrom directory to ensure that you can see the content of the DCD iso. This will contain directories such as LiveOS, Packages, repodata…

create repo file for YUM installation

when run yum repolist all, it will look at the the following director

# yum reposlist     will look at /etc/yum.repos.d/  directory for any file with extension .repo
    /etc/yum.repos.d/<filename>.repo file

Example:    /etc/yum.repos.d/dcddvd.repo
name=DCD 2.0.1 DVD ISO

    [dcddvd]    # This is the repo id field inside [ ]
    baserul=file:///mnt/cdrom   # The location will be /mnt/cdrom where we mount the ISO file
# DCD 2.0.1 included ilink repo
name=Interactive Link Software

    a. baseurl is pointing to ilink rpms directory
    b. This is the directory we will used to install WCC (Web Configuration Client)

Check available repos

View available repos on the system using the following command

yum repolist all

    It will output repo id, name, [disabled/enabled] status
    The status need to be "enabled" before we can use the repo for installation
Check repolist output

Confirm that dcddvd repo is there and is disabled

# Note
  yum repolist all   
a. It checks the directory /etc/yum.repos.d/
b. It will show all .repo file as repo
c. By default, all repo will be disabled, unless enable
Enable the dcddvd repo
# Run the command to enable the repo
    yum-config-manager --enable dcddvd
        # dcddvd is the repo id and it is the name in [dcddvd] repo file
        yum-config-manager --enable filename        # /etc/yum.repos.d/<filename>.repo

# Verify that the dcddvd repo is now enabled by running 
    yum repolist all

    Note: The output will show dcddvd repo is now enabled

Uninstalling tomcat

To uninstall tomcat and wcc, please run yum remove tomcat and confirm the packages to be uninstalled by entering in y when prompted. 
    yum remove tomcat

Installing tomcat

# To install tomcat, run the command
    yum install -y tomcat

# Start and enable tomcat using 
    systemctl enable --now tomcat

# Verify that tomcat started successfully and is running by using the command
    systemctl status tomcat

Installing WCC

1. Select 1 from the DCD Main Menu, or
    run the /root/ilink/ script
2. Select [i] to install new software
3. Select no for everything apart from WCC
4. Enter in y when asked if you want to install WCC.
5. Enter in l (Low) for low side as your performing this install on a low side server
6. Confirm the NIC that you use for your external network. Usually the default is fine.
# The output should be as follows:

#                                                                              #
#             Interactive Link Software Installer                              #
#                                                                              #
dcd[28168]: Creating Interactive Link REPO file.
dcd[28171]: Importing Interactive Link GPG keys.
Checking for existing Interactive Link software...
Existing Interactive Link software detected.

Would you like to [I]nstall new software, [U]pgrade existing software or [Q]uit]? 
Do you want to install the Datagate Orchestrator?  [S]tandalone, or with [D]ata Pump Applications, [N]o, [Q]uit > 
The Unidirectional Network Bridge (UNB) and the Data Forwarding Application (DFA) will be installed automatically.
Do you want to install the High Availability feature?  [Y]es, [N]o, [Q]uit > 
Do you want to install the File Transfer Application (FTA)?  [Y]es, [N]o, [Q]uit > 
Do you want to install the Email Transfer Application (ETA)?  [Y]es, [N]o, [Q]uit > 
Do you want to install the JMS Proxy (JMSP)?  [Y]es, [N]o, [Q]uit > 
Do you want to install the Web Configuration Client (WCC)?  [Y]es, [N]o, [Q]uit > 
What side are you installing on?  [H]igh (Rx), [L]ow (Tx), [Q]uit > 
Configuring WCC

# Important note
After the installer completes, you will be prompted to run the script
We need to run that script to complete the setup.

Type yes when prompted if you want to modify the configuration
If the installer detects the WCC configuration on the system, 
    you can select no to not create a new configuration (See code block below). 
    Alternatively, you can create a new WCC config. 
    It will ask you for the WCC username and password.

Type {y} to restart Tomcat at the end of the setup for the changes to take effect

# Run the required script /opt/ilink/bin/
Ensuring system is correctly configured for running the Interactive Link software...
= Setting up the Web Configuration Client. =

/usr/share/tomcat/conf/server.xml will be modified as part of the install - continue? > 
The WCC's file is already installed. Its contents include LDAP values and IP addresses on the WCC's client whitelist.
Do you want to overwrite this file with a clean one from the installer? > 
The WCC's wcc.jks file is already installed. It contains the SSL certificate details for the https connection.
Do you want to overwrite this file with a clean one from the installer? > 
The WCC's WCC-users.xml file is already installed. It contains user data for the WCC.
Do you want to overwrite this file with a clean one from the installer? > 
Waiting until WCC is deployed, this may take a few moments...Done.
Ensuring all keystore references are synchronized with existing keystore.
You will need to restart Tomcat to reflect changes.
Would you like to restart Tomcat now? [Y]es or [N]o > 

When completed, you should be able to log onto WCC

# How to access WCC

Enter the wcc login credential

Disable the dcddvd repo

Once you have confirmed everything is running as expected, please disable the repo by running

# Disable dcddvd repo
    yum-config-manager --disable dcddvd

    yum-config-manager --disable <repo id>